How to Be More Socially Confident

How to Be More Socially Confident: 7 Tips

Do you feel anxious every time you have to hang out with friends? Do you wish you had the confidence to speak up your mind?

It’s no secret that social interactions can get a little scary sometimes. They can feel intimidating, especially to people who don’t feel capable of keeping up with the rest of their peers.

The good news is you can learn how to be more socially confident. Being the awkward fly on the wall isn’t a permanent issue and we’ve got a few suggestions right here. Check out our guide below to pick up seven tips to boost your social skills:

1. Better Hygiene

If you want to learn how to be more socially confident, you need to start from the inside. You can’t feel confident in front of others if you keep hiding personal hygiene secrets. How can you stand up to a crowd when you know you didn’t shower or when you’re wearing clothes from two days ago?

Practice good hygiene. Shower daily, follow a healthy face and skincare routine and wear deodorant. Don’t hesitate to try on new perfume too, like the products offered by Honey Hazard.

2. Better Posture

Hygiene isn’t the only factor at play. When learning how to get better at talking to people, you also need to fix your posture. Stand up straight, don’t slouch, and face people tall and strong.

No matter your height, stand with certainty and look people in the eye. That simple change in your stance can make you feel strong and confident.

People will also look at you differently too. A person who slouches looks intimidated, weak, and easy to drown out. That won’t be the case if you stand properly.

3. Don’t Take It Seriously

Will you make mistakes? Of course, you will, no matter how prepared and practiced you are. Despite that, don’t feel discouraged when people make fun of you or joke around when you commit a few mistakes.

Learn to chill and not take everything too seriously.

When people chide, it’s not always because they want to bully you. The situation might simply be too funny so laugh along with them and learn from your mistake. Take it in stride instead of overthinking what went wrong.

Joke along with them, take note of the error and simply move along. Don’t dwell on minor issues because you can fix those without shattering your social confidence.

4. Learn How to Be More Socially Confident From Experts

Have you ever seen Jeff Bezos or former US President Barack Obama give a speech or presentation? They do so with a noticeable level of finesse and confidence.

Don’t hesitate to look up videos of people known for their social skills. Watch how they present themselves and which habits they eschew or practice. Look at their hand movements, how they stand and walk around, or how they look at their audiences.

Remember that these techniques aren’t only for public speaking. You can adapt expert methods in normal social interactions too. Try to emulate some of their techniques, even when simply hanging out with friends, and you could see yourself gaining confidence.

5. Play a Few Social Games

You can also boost your social skills by playing with others. Some games focus on boosting communication skills and helping people deal with issues such as social anxiety.

Ontex Australia can help you interact with people in a safe, controlled environment. It’s a game where each player takes the role of a hero. The players don’t compete against each other — they’re all working together to save the day.

Another good activity to boost social skills and confidence is to try out an escape room.

In this activity, a group of people steps into a room. Once inside, it locks and the only way out is to solve a series of puzzles or riddles. Everyone has to work together and communicate to solve the obstacles in time.

Do you want to mix the interactive and cooperative fun of escape rooms and tabletop games? Why not try participating in a murder mystery dinner? These involve the guests at a restaurant to solve a murder, integrating the audience as members of an interactive stage play.

6. Practice Basic Social Skills

Even bona fide introverts can make the best public speakers. All it takes is a lot of practice.

When you have a chance, stand in front of a mirror and practice basic communication skills. Adjust your hand movements, mannerisms, and pay attention to your posture.

However, you might not spot all of your problems with a mirror. Take a camera and record a video of yourself. Watch yourself and study where you could improve.

As mentioned, boosting your social skills isn’t only about public speaking. It’s also about interacting with your friends, strangers, and family too. Ask people you feel the most comfortable with to assess your socializing skills and ask for their advice if there are still rough spots.

7. It’s Ok to Fail

Keep in mind that it’s okay to fail. No one is perfect, after all. You’ll make mistakes, feel embarrassed, and have to deal with a few awkward moments or instances of ridicule.

That’s all okay. It’s normal to stumble.

It’s not okay to let these failures get the better of you. Learn from them, pick yourself up, and move on. Improve so you don’t repeat the same mistakes twice.

More importantly, don’t let failure stop you. If you got embarrassed at a party or another social gathering, don’t let it get to your head. Try to laugh it off, fix what went wrong, and try again.

Boost Your Self-Confidence Today

Learning how to be more socially confident doesn’t happen overnight. You need to observe, practice, and learn from a multitude of mistakes. That said, you can pick up better social skills and boost your self-confidence in no time.

Of course, why stop with these social tips when we have more to showcase?

If you want to learn even more lifestyle tips and tricks, we invite you to check out the rest of our guides right here, today. Discover different hand gestures, mannerisms, and how to improve your speech with our library of posts.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]