Straight Teeth

How to Get Straight Teeth: The Options Explained

Did you know that seven out of ten people admit to being self-conscious about their teeth, with most of the criticism coming from those closest to them?

It doesn’t sound like much of a surprise because stained or crooked teeth are nothing to smile about, literally. Fortunately, there is plenty of teeth whitening and straightening methods you could consider to take care of your dental situation.

How to get straight teeth is something that everyone with crooked teeth always worries about. Imagine how stunning your pearly whites would look if they aligned perfectly from end to end. Lucky for you, that perfect smile is just one orthodontic treatment away.

Contrary to popular thought, braces aren’t the only way to rectify crooked teeth. Most people shudder at the thought of braces because they’re all over the place and a tad expensive too. If braces aren’t your cup of tea, there are plenty of other ways to straighten your teeth.

Read on as we explore the various ways to get straight teeth.

Metal Braces

The traditional way of straightening crooked teeth is by using metal braces. These braces consist of an archwire, brackets, ligature elastic, and bonding material. Metal braces take about five months to a couple of years for the wearer to see the expected results.

Braces are great for correcting underbite, overbite, and crowded teeth. They also fix reverse bites, open bites, crossbites, and deep bites. Despite the efficacy of metal braces, most people shy away from them because they are intrusive.

Braces are less costly than most of the other teeth-straightening methods. The time it takes to rectify your teeth depends on the severity of the person’s situation. If you’re self-conscious about metal braces, you should consider getting Invisalign.


Invisalign is a popular teeth-straightening option among most American adults. Invisalign are transparent retainers that straighten the teeth minus braces. Invisalign is a smash-hit because, unlike braces, they are clear and unintrusive.

Invisalign is tailor-made for the patient and works quicker than most other teeth-straightening methods. Because Invisalign is almost invisible, most people will hardly notice you’re wearing retainers. This is way better than looking like a 6th grader at work with your giant metal braces.

To get Invisalign, your dentist will first obtain a 3D map of your mouth. The dentist then creates a couple of aligners that you need to wear for about 22 hours every day. You can remove these aligners whenever you need to eat or brush your teeth.

After about every half a month, you’ll have to visit the dentist for a set of new aligners. These new aligners are the next in your series and will be a little tighter than the previous ones. The process continues on and on until your teeth align into place.

There are plenty of benefits of Invisalign compared to other street-straightening methods. If you’re not too excited about braces, then maybe Invisalign is just what the doctor ordered.

Accelerated Orthodontics

Teeth straightening can take a very long time, and most people don’t have that kind of time. If you’re most people, then accelerated orthodontics is for you. Accelerated orthodontics is a combination of various orthodontic treatments meant to hasten the teeth-straightening process.

Accelerated orthodontics is a perfect solution for people always on the go. There are various methods for accelerated orthodontics, but the most popular is AcceleDent.


Acceledent is a portable, removable device that employs soft pulse technology and cyclic forces to accelerate teeth straightening by up to 50%. All you have to do is wear AcceleDent for about 20 minutes every day and watch your teeth get back into shape. For even faster results, you can use AcceleDent in combination with other teeth-straightening methods like Invisalign.

AcceleDent is safe to use and is FDA approved. As you’d expect, AcceleDent is an expensive teeth-straightening method that’ll set you back around $800 to $900. However, if you need a fast teeth-straightening method, look no further than AcceleDent.

Dental Veneers

You could also consider cosmetic dentistry for addressing your teeth alignment issue. Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain shells that the dentist bonds permanently to your tooth’s front. They are great for correcting crooked, misaligned, discolored, and chipped teeth.

Dental veneers are a quick alternative to braces, especially if you have a gapped tooth. However, they may not be the best options because they’re somewhat extreme. Extreme in the sense that veneers permanently bond to your front teeth, and the procedure is irreversible.

A dentist has to remove the surface enamel to put the veneer in place. What’s more, you have to replace the veneer after every five to ten years.


The use of headgears is an almost archaic teeth-straightening method for correcting extreme overbites. The headgear exerts pressure on the jaw and will hold the teeth in a particular position or move them to the correct one. Patients must wear the headgear for a specific number of hours every day that the dentist will prescribe.

Headgears are far more noticeable than metal braces, but at least you can take them off when it’s time to go out in public. If you have a few hours to yourself every day, you should consider getting headgear.

Incognito Hidden Braces

Do you want braces but don’t want the unwanted attention they bring? Well, presenting incognito hidden braces, which are exactly what they sound like. Incognito hidden braces attach to the backside of your teeth, which keeps them hidden from sight.

Get these braces if you want the effectiveness of metal braces minus the awkwardness. You’ll need to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist so they can customize one for your mouth.

How to Get Straight Teeth in a Flash

Now that you know how to get straight teeth, pick a viable solution and schedule an orthodontist appointment today. Beautiful smiles aren’t only for Hollywood stars; you deserve a perfect set of pearly whites too. Just be sure to practice proper oral hygiene to make that smile even prettier.

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About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]