white hat SEO

What do you mean by white hat SEO?

White hat SEO is the most important SEO strategy in search engine optimization. The reason why we are saying it the best is that it completely follows the terms, conditions, and policies of the search engine. White hat SEO is referred to the search engine optimization techniques which improve the search ranking of your website in the search ranking results page (SERP) without breaking the website integrity and staying within the search engines’ terms of services. Though all the leading SEO service providers can help you with the white hat SEO strategies, we will recommend SEO Sydney, as it is the best choice in the market.

White hat SEO strategies:

White hat SEO strategies are just the opposite of the black hat SEO strategies. Black hat SEO strategies can help you in the short-term, but your website may get banned at any time for violating the search engine guidelines with unethical strategies. White hat SEO includes

  1. Quality content

These are the articles that are written for the benefit of the reader. It is the best way to rank your website with quality content.

  1. Content-relevant keywords

These are the keywords that are based on regular researches based on-page content. You should stick to one primary and 2-3 secondary keywords.

  1. Lean code

This includes the use of heading elements on the page which are rich in keywords. This helps the users of the engine to find your site when they are searching with the keyword.

  1. Fast page loading time

This is quite necessary because sites which load slowly in search engine really make the visitors frustrated. This leads to the traffic bounce. Though you upload quality content, it will not attract the visitors towards your site. You must work on your site to make it responsive.

  1. Simple website navigation

This generally boosts the placement of your site in organic search ranking. It really helps the visitors to fulfill their needs without getting frustrated.

  1. Keyword-rich page title

This is an easy technique of optimization; that’s why it is the most neglected technique too. But we will suggest you that never miss the low hanging fruits. The increasing traffic is the result of all the white hat SEO techniques which you will imply on your business.

These all are the White hat SEO strategies. Now we will discuss why you should apply the White hat SEO techniques to improve your traffic.

Why should you use a White hat?

Some of you may ask why we should apply only white hat SEO while the black hat SEO is faster to provide traffic with much fewer efforts? The cost backup of the white hat SEO is also high. Here is your answer.

Black hat SEO definitely gives you a sharp edge, but it may lead to a sharp fall also. Application of black hat SEO will increase your traffic faster, but whenever the search engine detects this, your website will be banned immediately from the search engine. You have to start everything from the beginning.

Advantages  of white hat SEO vs black hat SEO:

In the short term aspect, the white hat SEO gives you slow growth. But when you are starting your website, you are aiming for the long term, and white hat SEO is the master of that. Quality contents, research-based keywords, easy navigation, fast site loading will steadily grow your traffic. Once you come into the rank, the traffic will attract faster eve more than black hat SEO.


We hope that you have understood what white hat SEO is and the importance of it. We will always suggest you stick on the white hat SEO for the long term growth and stability of your site.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]