How To Self Publish A Book On Amazon

How To Self Publish A Book On Amazon?

Publishing a book is the second major step after you have written a complete book. Have you ever thought of self-publishing your book? With Amazon self-publishing, you can do that on your own. 

When you self publish your book you will need tools such as publisher rocket. Checkout this post for a publisher rocket review.

Amazon offers a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) service that allows you to easily publish your book. Moreover, You don’t have to be a professional writer or publisher to get the work going. Here’s how you can do it…

  1. Visit the official Amazon Kindle Publishing website and sign up or sign in. Create a free account, to initiate the first step of publishing your book.
  2. Your KDP dashboard will be created after the first step, then add the new title. Add your book title and subtitle that will be shown to the readers.
  3. Enter the description of your book and tell readers what it is all about. Add contributors and then add yourself as an author then verify publishing rights.
  4. Now target your book to customers by selecting a category and targeting age group if applicable. 
  5. Add your desired keywords and then select a publishing option. Upload the book cover and then choose the desired option for digital rights management.
  6. Upload your book in the required format and then convert it into Kindle format.
  7. Now, verify the publishing territories and set the pricing and royalty for your book.
  8. Now, you are all set to publish your book with just one click.

One important step in getting your book published is getting your author website setup. Here’s a list of the best website builder for authors. 

3 Benefits Of Self-publishing A Book

Publishing a book on your own serves various benefits on a personal and business scale. Here are a few of them.

  • Ease: The most important and beneficial factor is the ease of the process. Unlike conventional publishing, self-publishing is somehow easy. Although you still have to do most of the work in self-publishing still, it is less stressful as compared to conventional publishing.
  • Flexibility and accessibility: Self-publishing offers various ways to do things that are not accessible in conventional publishing. For example, with the Amazon KDP program, you can publish a book either in digital or paperback format or in both formats. Whereas in conventional publishing, you have to stick with a particular format.
  • Pricing and payment options: This is an example of the business benefit of self-publishing. You can set the price of your book strategically to improve the sales and on the other hand, Amazon provides reliable payments to the authors.

3 Tips For Getting Your Book Written

If you are thinking of writing a book and self-publishing it on Amazon, below are a few tips to help you write your book.

  1. Choose your genre wisely and research. This is the most important step as it is the foundation for your book. Your book will be totally based on research and personal experience. So, choose your category carefully.
  2. If you want to write your book quickly, just set up a daily word count goal. Start writing in different shifts and write a particular number of words to reach the end faster. Moreover, this will also give you an idea of how long your book is going to be.
  3. Keep yourself motivated. This is the key. Writing a book isn’t an easy task. So, make sure to enjoy your day and get your daily motivation.  Never let anything stop you from what you have started already. 

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]