Why Pili Lokal Is The Best Filipino Handicraft Store In 2021

Why Pili Lokal Is The Best Filipino Handicraft Store In 2021 | Ever since the beginning of the online business boom, no matter how long you’ve been an ecommerce entrepreneur, creating and launching an ecommerce business has never been more difficult. 

With thousands of fierce competition appearing on the ecommerce market every single day, as the products become more saturated, consumers are now demanding speed and quality as time passes by, the quality of delivery of each vendor showcases itself.

During the saturation phase of a market, the consumers have experienced it all, they’ve been ripped off with their money by what looks like another promising product that they saw in an ad.  

With all that being said, as a handicraft buyer, all types of questions must be running through your head right now.

Questions like: 

  • How do I know which is the best marketplace to purchase an artisan product? 
  • Does it assure me of quality and satisfaction? 
  • Am I getting the promised product as it is, or will it be another ecommerce product disappointment

Discovering Quality Ecommerce Marketplaces 

When selecting which to buy online, not only are the typical products consumers get confused about, but also new ones that are entering the marketplace for that reason it is important for us to identify quality eCommerce marketplaces.

In order for us to determine whether or not the marketplace operates in a moving forward manner. First, we need to identify the ones that are working from the ones that don’t.

In this Ecommerce Marketplace selection guide, we will be able to determine the marketplace fit for each and every consumer’s individual needs, focusing specifically on the product-market fit of the artisan products.

Modern Day Marketplace Saturation

When it comes to your typical global marketplaces the ones that rise through the galaxy suddenly out of nowhere, come from years of hard work and determination of the entrepreneur.

As they say, behind every successful business comes the grueling sacrifices of the company, the sleepless endless nights of research, data gathering and optimization, management, so on and so forth.

Yet luckily we found ourselves in a time, where the birth of a new eCommerce online business suddenly rises out of thin air, then steals market share from their competition.

With this in mind, we the consumers are suddenly challenged with the task of finding great quality artisan marketplaces.

The Artisan Buyer’s Journey 

The everyday behavior of the typical Filipino artisan consumers usually goes like this, one sees a product on Youtube or Google, then develops a great interest in the product itself, 

As they look up more reviews about it, they find themselves developing an admiration for the product, yet as soon as they receive it they are left with nothing but disappointment.

Then they find themselves on this endless cycle of trying to figure out the best eCommerce marketplace for their artisan tastes.

Next Level Artisan Solutions

The solution is to have a dedicated marketplace solely created for artisan buyers and sellers, for that reason a group of Filipino marketing geniuses created Pililokal.

The only dedicated marketplace for Filipino artisan consumers, with its wide variety of product selection, not only do you gain access to its world-class products, you also get a marketplace that satisfies your artisan needs all in one place.


Every group of people have their own needs, some work well for others and some don’t, when it comes to choosing the best marketplace for you there’s no better option than the ones that fit your needs, and Pililokal does just that.

About Pili Lokal Marketplace

Pilí’s expertise lies in launching the local marketplace for authentic and handcrafted goods. This e-commerce platform is the home of local sellers to maximize their businesses in the community.

Pili presents three main problems:

  • What are Filipino products?
  • Who are the Filipino artisans/makers?
  • Where do they sell?

Pili Lokal aims to solve these issues by establishing a website platform where consumers can:

  • Know what Filipino products are
  • Identify Filipino merchants
  • Access a community of buyers and Filipino sellers

Want to support local businesses but don’t know how to? Well, get your shopping thumbs ready for PILI will soon launch its website with offers from unique local stores. This is your time to give back to your community and help Filipino entrepreneurs!

For interested merchants, simply send your queries to [email protected] or contact us at +63998 902 2096.


About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]