Custom Posters

10 Really Cool Ideas for Custom Posters

Did you know posters were one of the earliest kinds of advertisements that became popular at the beginning of the 19th century? The earliest posters were used by political parties to recruit soldiers and to sell products. Many posters today are created for the same reasons.

Whether you want custom posters to decorate your room or promote an event, you’ll want some ideas to create the perfect poster design.

This guide will offer design ideas you might want to follow. Keep reading to learn what they are.

  1. Use Complementary Colors

If you’re looking to design custom wall posters, choosing complimentary colors is the way to go. This cohesive design might seem simple, but it works best for posters you want to display in your home.

A poster with too many elements might be distracting and won’t match the design in your room either. Choose soft color combinations like pastels for your poster. A background element with a brighter color will make the poster pop.

The colors you choose will elicit the emotions you want. Bright, solid colors can express playfulness and fun.

  1. A Unique Font Creates Interest

The font you choose can also create a dynamic poster. If you want to express seriousness in your, poster perhaps for an education event, choose a bold font like sans serif.

If you’re creating a poster for a party or laidback event, you can choose a handwritten-style font. Sophistication can be expressed with italic serif.

Choose different fonts for the headline and the body text of your poster. This helps to create clear distinctions.

  1. Choose the Right Background Picture

When creating custom picture posters, it’s important to choose something that catches the eye. Since this is the biggest component of the poster design, you need to choose something that stands out.

While you can choose from a long list of stock images, you can create something more unique by choosing from your photographs for the poster design.

Of course, you want to choose an image that matches the theme of your poster. You should also focus on a dynamic image with bold colors and natural contrast.

  1. Visual Hierarchy Is Important

Creating a visual hierarchy in a poster design is the best way to get people to notice it. This is especially important when creating a poster for an event or to promote a business.

However you design your poster, it should be attention-grabbing and easy to read. You’ll want to list information in order of importance too. If your poster requires a lot of copy, separate it into small sections to make it look more organized.

A cluttered design might not attract the audience you’re looking for and can negatively impact your business.

  1. Leading Lines Can Attract the Eyes

Leading lines are an important aspect of graphic and poster design. Leading lines help direct the reader’s eye toward the focal point of your poster.

You can use graphics or photographs with the right composition in your poster design. These lines make the copy easier to see. Use different font sizes to direct the reader to the most important point on your poster.

  1. Negative Space Can Create a Quality Poster

Use negative space to create an artistic riddle and unique poster design. You can create an image within an image using this technique.

A wonderful example of this is the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival promotion poster. The graphic designer used white against a black background to create the shape of a fork. The prongs were in the shape of wine bottles, while the festival information was written on the opposite corner of the poster.

If you want to buy custom posters for your next event, you should consider using printing services to help you create a unique design.

  1. Use Icons to Tell a Story

Icons are a great way to design a poster if you’re unsure of the theme you want to use. Icons can be used to tell a story about the event or organization you’re representing in the poster.

With so many icons to choose from, creating a design for your poster will be easy to complete. Icons are a great choice for back-to-school-related posters. Children are drawn to the simple and fun design, and they’ll get the information they need at the same time.

  1. Keep It Simple

Creating a poster shouldn’t be like writing an essay. Even if you have a lot of elements to put on the poster, you should make it as simple as you can.

Once you’ve completed the first draft of your poster design, scan it to see what you can remove. A simple image and fewer words will create more of an impact. If you aren’t sure about using a specific graphic, you probably don’t need to include it.

  1. The Right Page Margins Are Vital

When buying custom size posters, choosing the right page margin width is key to creating a great design. If you have a poster with a lot of text, maybe one with an inspirational message, it’s easy for things to look cluttered.

Keeping a consistent margin width around the text with multiple colors and font sizes will create a cohesive design. This makes it easier to understand the message on the poster.

  1. Use Shapes to Create Interest

Using different shapes throughout your poster will create an intriguing design that’ll make readers want to know more. The shapes will let the eye know where to look. This is a great technique for a poster design promoting an upcoming event.

Check Out These Ideas for Custom Posters

If you want to make custom posters, this guide has lots of great ideas to inspire your design. Choose a unique font and use negative space to create an interesting image.

Check out some of the other blogs on our site for more helpful tips.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]