3 Major Signs You Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Did you know that 72% of car crashes result in property damage while 27% result in non-fatal injuries? Both damages and injuries are good reasons to hire a car accident attorney to help with your case.

If you’re not sure if you should hire a lawyer, our guide can help. Read about the three signs indicating that you need an attorney.

1. Delayed Injuries

After a car accident, you may experience delayed injuries. This often occurs because you don’t feel pain after the accident as your body is responding to the trauma.

To cope with the injuries, your body will produce adrenaline. If you don’t feel pain right after the accident, that doesn’t mean you won’t need a car accident attorney down the line.

The most common symptoms that may develop after an accident are:

  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Back pain
  • Numbness
  • Abdominal pain
  • PTSD
  • Behavioral changes

Because delayed injuries do happen, it is always essential to see your primary care doctor after a car accident. Some of the injuries won’t show up for hours or days after the crash occurred.

Once you begin feeling symptoms as a result of a car wreck, hiring a car accident attorney is necessary.

In contrast, if you did feel injuries immediately after an accident, you should hire a car accident attorney right away. This is especially important if the crash led to a hospital stay.

2. At-Fault Disagreements

If you and the other parties involved in the accident cannot agree on who is at fault, speaking to car accident lawyers is your best bet. If a car accident death occurred, knowing who was at fault is even more crucial.

The at-fault laws in the United States vary depending on the state the crash happened in. In general, a victim must be less than half responsible to receive damages.

Proving fault is difficult to do on your own. When there is a high level of scrutiny in the case, it will go to court to be reviewed by a judge. Just another reason you should hire a car accident attorney to represent you in court.

3. Unsafe Roads and Hazards

If the car accident is a result of unsafe roads and hazards, there are specific steps you must take to file a claim. This is an administrative claim you must file with the city government.

You should contact a lawyer right away if the crash occurred on a public right of way or street. These cases have specific time limits that you won’t want to miss.

Winning your claim against the city is difficult without the best car accident lawyer on your side. Don’t wait to hire one if this is the situation you are in.

Have You Been in a Car Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident that resulted in damages or injuries, consulting with a lawyer is the right move. Without their professional guidance, you are less likely to get the compensation you deserve.

Don’t be afraid to get the help you need. Contact a lawyer today if any of the above situations apply to you.

For more legal advice, take a peek at the other posts on our blog.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]