Protect Your Devices

3 Ways to Protect Your Devices

Hackers are on a constant lookout for new victims. Cyberattacks are a very lucrative business and it’s no wonder why hacking attempts have been on a rise in recent years. People are glued to their phones and other digital devices, they store sensitive information and files on them, which is precisely what hackers want to steal.

If they somehow manage to get ahold of the said sensitive information, they can wreak havoc on your life. They can use your sensitive images to blackmail you, withdraw money from your accounts, spy on your phone, or even steal your identity. If you’d like to prevent this from happening, here are 5 tips to prevent this from happening.

  1. Use a VPN

VPN stands for virtual private network and it’s a tool that acts as a shield between you and the internet. It adds an extra layer of security when browsing the web by masking your IP address, so the hackers can track your data. Browsers tend to pick up on all your online activities

A significant number of us pick the “private” or “undercover” mode when opening an internet browser since it erases your set of experiences and identifiable treats after your riding meeting. However, your online activities leave a much bigger trace than you might have thought of. This data can be followed, saved and shared, or offered to outsiders.

While private private mode deletes your history, it doesn’t conceal any of the information from your internet service provider. Also, websites you visit can see your IP address, which gives them your estimated geological whereabouts and distinguishes your gadget from other connected devices. Using the best VPN service will ensure that your digital footprint is completely hidden from hackers.

  1. Use an Antivirus

If you’re worried that someone is spying on your phone, reading your messages, or trying to steal personal data, then antivirus software might be the solution to your worries. If you’re not very careful and tend to click on suspicious links online or download pirated software, then you should consider investing in this tool.

The thing about ‘’free’’ online software is that it’s usually laced with some sort of malware, be it ransomware or pesky and annoying adware. Ransomware is especially worrisome because it usually results in massive damage to your real-life privacy. Someone can leak your sensitive images or steal your identity. Antivirus will regularly scan your devices to ensure that there is no spyware on your phone.

  1. Use a Password Manager

A password manager is yet another tool that will protect your devices from hackers’ prying eyes. They frequently install spyware like keyloggers on their targets’ devices, so that they would be able to track every keystroke you make. That way, they can steal your Facebook password, learn your e-banking login information, or compromise your Snapchat account’s safety..

Password manages saves, encrypts, and stores all your passwords in a secure place and it fills out the login data on each website automatically. So, you won’t have to worry about typing anything and possibly giving away your sensitive information to hackers.

Make sure to have a solid secret phrase for every one of your records. Make it no less than seven characters in length and a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. You’ll get extra security points for adding upper and lowercase letters.

For web-based banking and shopping applications, pick two-factor authentication. It requires a secret key to sign in plus a one-time code shipped off your cell phone to demonstrate it’s truly you.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]