Clothes for Winter Camping

4 Must have Clothes for Winter Camping

Many of you might hate winters due to the cold waves of air or the snowfall but few know how to enjoy the winters even with those scorching cold waves of air. You might have seen people enjoying camping in summers but you would wonder if we tell you that winters are equally pleasant and beautiful to enjoy camping. Cold weather could be a great way to enjoy those tranquil moments with the untouched snow-covered landscapes. You can either enjoy it in the early morning and early nights. One can certainly enjoy camping during the winters if organized properly.

There are many things that one needs to consider while preparing for winter camping such as getting the right set of clothes, the right gears, beverages, sleeping essentials, and the most important tent. Some of the items might be common for you as you would have got them for your summer camp as well but winters always ask for additional when it comes to clothes. One needs to layer a lot of clothes during camping in winters to stay warm. But you would be wondering which clothes to carry for camping? Layering simply does not mean wearing all that you have. Hence you would need to choose the right type of clothes which would look good for your camping theme as well. If you are not sure what to wear then here is the list which would help you to choose the right clothes for your winter camping.

Base Layer

This would be the first layer of cloth that you would be wearing while getting ready for winter camping which would be very close to your skin. Here you can choose to wear mid-weight long underwear. If you have the lightweight one then you can use it for milder weather conditions and the heavy one can be used for the extreme freezing temperature. You can carry both if required and if you are not sure about the change in the temperature.  Try to choose between wool or polyester which would help to wick the perspiration away from the skin and keep your skin dry. If you wish to get some trendy options for women then you can also look for women’s designer clothing at Inzagi.

Insulated Jackets

Here comes another layer of cloth that you would need to get and known as the middle layer. This layer would help to retain the heat in the body. Hence you can consider getting insulated jackets which are generally thick as well as warm. Most of the campers prefer to get synthetically insulated or the puffy down jacket. If you are comfortable with fleece then you can consider getting the heavyweight fleece. You can get a heavyweight fleece jacket, heavyweight long underwear, and heavyweight fleece pants. You can also consider carrying the mittens and gloves along with the jackets to protect your hands and keep them warm. You can get the insulated ones that are breathable and waterproof. Make sure to carry the extra set of each in case any of it gets wet.

Rain Jackets

Winters can also surprise you with snowfall which can drench your winter wear. In this case, you can keep the rain jacket handy to keep your winter wear protected. Try to get fully waterproof pants and jackets that would prevent the penetration of water in this inner layer which can get you chilled to the extreme. Some of the variants are also available in breathable material which can help with perspiration. It would help to escape the perspiration wicked by the base layer from your skin to keep your skin dry.

Snow Pants

You would also need to get snow pants to protect your legs from the harsh winters during camping. Snow pants are known to be the essential ones especially if you are planning for camping in winters. These are also known as shell pants. Cold wet ankles can put your excitement off during camping hence make sure to keep the boot tops covered. If your snow pants are not sufficient to cover your ankles then you can also consider getting the gaiters. You would find many variants in gaiters such as lightweight hikers, backpacker low, Rocky Mountain Low Gaiters, etc. Apart from the gaiters, you can also carry non-cotton socks which would be compatible with your boot fit.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]