Achilles Tendonitis

5 Ways to Best Reduce the Risk of Getting Achilles Tendonitis

A vast majority of athletes complain about having pain in the back leg after vigorous sporting activities. And while it’s commonly associated with actively vigorous people, it might still creep to you, causing incredibly sharp and unsettling pain. But since it’s hardly possible to keep it away, you can still play safe and reduce the risk of getting it. Here’s what to do to reduce the risk of getting Achilles Tendonitis.

  1. Go Easy on Your Workouts

Avoid engaging in strenuous exercises beyond what your Achilles tendon can handle. Go easy on the weights and treadmill slope at the gym or exercise in gently sloping hills to lift the pressure on the back leg. Sometimes, starting your runs or heavy workouts without warming can harm your tendons, resulting in immobilizing pain. If you’re starting on a workout regimen, be sure to go easy during the first few days before increasing the intensity.

  1. Be Sure to Stretch out Every Other Day

Whether exercising or not, ensure that you work on your tendons and calf muscles consistently. Skipping exercises can be detrimental to your tendons, especially if your resting periods take forever and a day. Remember that your calf muscles retract after a lengthy period of rest, which puts you at risk of tendon Achilles after the resumption. Make it a habit to stretch every other day, even if it’s jogging around or doing still runs. A little strain will keep calf muscles fit and flexible to minimize possible injuries.

  1. Pick the Right Shoes

Your workout shoe choices matter a lot when alleviating the risk of getting tendon Achilles. Hence, it would be best if you were smart with it. Ideal workout shoes must provide arch support and a cushion at the heels. That helps reduce any tension on your tendons as you move about. And if your shoes don’t seem to alleviate the problem, then perhaps the problem could be severe, and you can find help by visiting Otherwise, get rid of worn-out workout footwear or, if infeasible, try installing arch supports to prevent strain on your calf muscles.

  1. Try Cross-Training

You don’t have to follow a tough workout regimen all through, but alternating it with a less strenuous one will work the trick in alleviating the risk. Continuous tough exercises, especially those that target the leg muscles, can strain your tendons. Worse still, if your shoes don’t measure up to the ideal standards, there’s an incredible chance that you’ll develop nagging back leg pain.

  1. Train Your Calves

During your daily exercise regimen, be sure to target your calf muscles to keep them robust and able to resist strain. However, try going easy on them and gradually pace up when you’re used to tough exercising. Stronger calf muscles help support your tendons and absorb strain from the weight coming from your upper body.


Tendon Achilles affects one in five people in Singapore. Largely, that’s due to the adequate awareness to prevent it before it’s too late and creeps in deeper, requiring medical intervention. However, you can still vary your workouts, wear the right shoes and train your calves to properly handle the workout pressure and keep this nagging condition at bay.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]