5 Ways to Fix msvcp140.dll Missing

5 Ways to Fix msvcp140.dll Missing / Not Found Errors

Do you get messages for msvcp140.dll missing errors and want to fix this error? Well, the msvcp140.dll is a file that is part of Visual C++ Redistribution for the visual studio 2015 package. Yet, it is possible that this file may not be available on your computer; thus, the msvcp140.dll missing error would occur. This issue can become very problematic while trying to install or run any game or application.

Nevertheless, you can now fix any error related to msvcp140.dll and diminish all burdens from your PC. Since these errors can cause trouble in opening and running specific programs to your computer.

You resolve these errors using five various methods.

5 Solutions to Fix the msvcp140.dll Missing Error

1.  Navigate a Virus Scan

First of all, you need to scan your computer against any viruses. For this, you can run an antivirus program. However, in some cases, the dll file is being run because of several viruses or any other programs that are unwanted on your PC. Hence, in such cases, you can run an antivirus program to complete the virus scan and identify if there is an error on your computer.

Make sure to follow the instructions given on the program in order to execute the process precisely. This should be done with the proper plan to resolve this error so that you could fix the problem correctly.

Once the virus scan has been run on your PC, restart your computer and check it out.

2.  Update your Drivers

Usually, when you run an antivirus program on your computer, it may not completely eliminate the msvcp140.dll missing error from the PC. Thus you need to update the drivers. You can use a driver monitoring or maintenance program to recognize and resolve several viruses. Getting new and updated drivers would perhaps fix the msvcp140.dll error and become helpful in resolving any other sudden issues from your computer.

3.  Reinstall mscvp140.dll File from dll Downloads

Sometimes, the error also occurs because the existing dll file from your computer is missing or becomes corrupted. Thus, you can reinstall the dll file from the official dll downloader.

4.  Use System File Checker

Besides, you can also use System File Checker on Windows to preview the present dll files on your PC. For this, you need to visit the Command Prompt from the search bar on the taskbar and type sfc/scannow. It will let your PC startup a full scan, the system files on your PC will be verified.

Now, the computer will start scanning and fixing all errors automatically that are either identified or not. You can now exit the Command Prompt and restart the system.

5.  Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution

Lastly, if none of the ways works for solving the msvcp140.dll missing error, try to reinstall Visual C++ Redistribution. You install or update the Visual C++ Redistribution from Microsoft Download Center. However, make sure to pick and install the correct version of Visual C++ Redistribution that is specified for your current Windows.

Ultimate Judgements

So, these were five different solutions to the msvcp140.dll missing error that should help you get rid of all kinds of errors from your computer. You can execute each of the methods one by one and try to eliminate the error from the system. These steps should assist you in running the program accordingly and use them effortlessly.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]