7 Industries That Will Boost With Facial Recognition

7 Industries That Will Boost With Facial Recognition

What Is Face Recognition?

Face recognition is a process of identification or verification of a person’s identity based on the characteristic features and individual parameters of their face. Facial recognition technology is considered the most natural of the existing methods of biometric identification today. This is quite logical – we recognize each other by looking at faces, and not at fingerprints.

In addition, facial biometrics solutions are easy to implement on-site, and users do not need any physical interaction with the systems. Enterprises receive benefits from the implementation of these systems as well. The cost of face recognition technology will pay off, as it ultimately boosts the company’s productivity, increases safety, and improves user experience.

7 Industries to Benefit From Facial Recognition

From paying with selfies to taking attendance, here are 7 industries that are transforming with facial recognition technology.


If facial recognition is tied to a customer’s account, then they can simply enter the hotel to confirm their registration. The staff can also provide guests with access to their rooms, gyms, etc. This could free up concierges to better serve their guests with personalized offers and benefits.

Facial recognition can help to prevent crime, or identify troublesome guests or visitors. It will alert the staff to the presence of people with a history of bad behavior.

The technology allows delivering top-notch service thanks to automatic data collection. It can provide demographic information about visitors and determine their responses to services.

Some airports are already using facial recognition to identify passengers. In this way, VIP passengers can receive more tailored service.

Biometric face scanning also allows passengers to use their faces as a ticket, saves boarding time, and reduces the cost of checking tickets. The same system can be applied to the luggage checking process.

Security – Law Enforcement

More and more identity documents take the form of biometric passports to prevent ID fraud and identity theft. This facilitates border checks and reduces the time significantly.

Governments start to implement surveillance cameras with facial recognition technology on streets. Such cameras can be a great help for investigators in finding missing people or tracking criminals. Biometrics would also prevent voter fraud, facilitate voter registration, and exclude other limiting factors that keep people from the polls.


The application in healthcare is the simplest – you can visit the hospital or the doctor without having to stand in lines and fill out numerous papers.

Analyzing skin color changes near the eyes and cheek by a second, the system can calculate heart rate detection. Today hospitals can use modern face analysis algorithms to identify genetic diseases and track the patient’s use of prescribed drugs.


Customers may forget passwords or put off their purchases because of time-consuming sign-in. Facial biometrics makes it possible to take a selfie to quickly authenticate the identity. Selfie payment increases security, eliminates interaction with staff, and can automatically identify loyalty scheme members and apply discounts.

There is still an important part that goes to physical stores. Face recognition equipped cameras identify a shopper during entry and exiting to charge their account according to their purchases.

Beauty companies can check people with what face features tend to buy certain products. Armed with this data, companies can predict inventory and improve customer service.

Companies can also receive information about what products the visitor is looking at. This will enable them to provide targeted advertising to their customers.


The general function of face recognition technology in banking is to secure bank transactions. Banks have already started using facial recognition in online transactions. Such identity verification is said to provide the least chance of mistaken identity.

The technology can also be installed in ATMs for better security. Thus, users do not have to worry about the loss or theft of the card or PIN code.


Automobile companies can equip their cars with face recognition algorithms. Car owners use face scanning to unlock the vehicle when they approach it. Or they can use it as a key to start and stop the car.  

Automobiles designed for use by different people can alter temperature or seat position after scanning the driver’s face. Besides, autonomous vehicles can analyze the driver’s emotions and change lightning or speed. This is a great tool in preventing road accidents caused by distracted driving.


Schools around the globe start introducing facial recognition systems. Face recognition algorithms can help during online learning: they make sure that the student is not distracted and doesn’t cheat during the exam.

The technology facilitates entering the campus, streamlines guests’ sign-in. This significantly improves the safety of students and employees indoors. Also, it eliminates the need for teachers to take attendance.

Wrapping Up

Experts believe that facial recognition will become a mainstream technology in the coming years. The reason is quite clear. The cost of facial recognition technology is lower than the overall spending on security, customer service, and accidents losses. When used correctly, face recognition technology can significantly improve public and private safety and increase the efficiency of the services.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]