7 Tips On How to Prepare For a Long-Distance Move

7 Tips On How to Prepare For a Long-Distance Move

Moving a long distance can be an exciting time. Maybe you’re moving to pursue a new career path, to be closer to family, or for a more pleasant place to live. Whatever the case, it’s a time of adventure and change that you’ll long remember.

Unfortunately, not everything about a long-distance move is exciting. Whether you live alone in an apartment or have a big house with a family, you’ll likely be surprised at just how much stuff you need to transport.

While new destinations are a fun thought, the practical side of moving is often something people dread. However, there are ways to make this project more bearable.

How, you ask? Well, that’s just what we’re here to tell you! In this article, we’ll cover seven crucial tips to prepare for your long-distance move. Let’s get started!

1. Make Sure Your Car Can Handle Your Long-Distance Move

Depending on the distance of your move, you may consider driving your vehicle(s) to the new location. If so, you’re not alone. Plenty of people decide to drive to their new residence.

However, before you make this drive, there are several things you need to consider. How old is your car? How many miles has it clocked? If your car is nearing its last days, it may be best not to drive it for that long of a distance.

Secondly, consider how many people and items you need to transport in this vehicle. In particular, are you driving with children or pets? If so, this merits special consideration, as you want to ensure their safety.

Lastly, can your vehicle handle a long drive without experiencing a breakdown? This consideration is probably the most essential. If your vehicle needs any repairs, get them immediately.

If you don’t want to drive your car for this move, consider towing it to your new destination or shipping it.

2. Rent A Moving Truck For Moving Long Distance

In most cases, people turn to one of the three major rental truck companies for their move. These companies include U-Haul, Penske, and Budget. However, don’t think you’re limited to these three companies alone.

Often, local moving companies exist that offer comprehensive moving services, including renting trucks. Before you pay big bucks for a U-Haul, check out the prices of local businesses. For example, explore the services of this Austin moving & storage company.

Rental trucks have their drawbacks, however. They include a significant time investment and often don’t include a labor estimate for movers. Even so, they remain the most affordable long-distance moving choice.

3. Consider Portable Moving Containers

Portable moving containers may be pricy, but they’re among the most convenient resources out there for a long-distance move. These containers allow you to safely store your belongings until you transport them to your new home.

These containers sit in front of your home, allowing you to load your possessions at your own pace and time. In most cases, companies will bill you monthly for their services.

Once you fill-up the container, the company will pick it up and transport it back to their grounds. From there, it remains with the company until you request your items’ delivery to your new residence.

4. Request A Quote From A Moving Company

One of the most convenient things you can do to simplify your move is to hire a professional moving company. While this can be a costly measure, it has endless rewards.

A professional company can evaluate your home and how much stuff to transport. From there, they’ll send a qualified and capable team of movers to take care of all the work you’d dread doing.

These movers can pack your stuff with specialized equipment and load those boxes and containers onto their truck. From there, they’ll drive to your new location and unload your possessions within a month.

Simply search “movers near me” online. Usually, you’ll need to provide them with your current and future ZIP code and address. With this information, they’ll see the job done. It takes a load off your mind! The experienced team from Holloway Removals recommends those looking for skilled removalists to research their options. It is about finding them and making sure they are the right ones to hire. This way, you will your moving process an enjoyable and safe experience.

5. Tips For Packing

If you can’t hire movers, that’s okay. Plenty of people survive moving on their own! All it means is that there’s more work for you to do. First and foremost, you’ll need to pack your belongings efficiently.

Packing has a reputation for taking way more time than people expect. Usually, you can pack an apartment within 1-2 days of continual eight hour shifts. A house, however, is more likely to take 3-4 days of the same.

The best thing to do for packing is to begin well before your planned move-out date. It’s also a good practice to keep your transportation in mind when you pack.

6. Store Your Belongings

As you pack, you may discover that you have no way of moving everything you own at once. Don’t despair if this happens! To confront this problem, all you have to do is rent a storage unit.

Earlier in this article, we discussed the benefits of portable storage units. However, for various reasons, people may opt not to use these. In these scenarios, a traditional storage unit is the best alternative.

You can use the storage unit to store unessential items until you can pick them up. Some of these items include entertainment devices, decorations, and out-of-season clothes.

7. Some Things To Do If You Move Interstate

For some people, moving long-distance means moving to a new state. If that’s you, here are some tips on what you should do immediately after you move.

First, forward your mail to your new address. Second, get a driver’s license for your new state and update your license plates. Transfer your utilities to the new address, and likewise ensure you’re a registered resident for taxes.

Don’t Overstress

A long-distance move can be a stressful time. However, try to make sure you don’t stress too much. Instead, follow these tips to guarantee you’re prepared and ready for your move!

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About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]