Buddha Purnima Jayanti

An Ultimate Guide to Celebrate Buddha Purnima Jayanti in India!

According to the Hindu Calendar, Buddha Purnima falls on a full moon day in the month of Vaisakh(April/May). Buddha Purnima will be celebrated on 26th May in the year 2021 marking Lord Buddha’s 2,583rd Birth Anniversary. This year, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the festival will be a collaboration against the Coronavirus. What could be better than reading and sharing quotes of wisdom and love with your loved ones? An exchange of powerful and positive Buddha Purnima Wishes 2021 will lead people to feel a connection with each other in 2021!

India is a land of so many celebrations and festivals. Amongst several festivals in India, Buddha Purnima is known to be one of the most sacred festivals of Buddhists that marks the birth anniversary celebration of Lord Buddha. Celebrated every year with great pomp, excitement and fervour in countries like Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Tibet, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia, Singapore, and Indonesia, celebrations are not the same as before! Taking prayer ceremonies online, the Coronavirus pandemic has led us to complete the festival virtually. Let us know how the festival is celebrated v/s how people can celebrate it during the pandemic!

How is Buddha Purnima Celebrated?

Buddha Purnima is just around the corner. Celebrated for many centuries, Buddhist followers believe that in the year 623BC, the Buddha was born as a prince in a royal family. The festival is celebrated in the three most important stages of life: Birth, Enlightenment, and Death. Let us know how Buddh Purnima is celebrated across the country!

  • A prayer ceremony is organized under the Bodhi Tree where Gautam Buddha attained alignment.
  • At Bodhgaya, the Mahabodhi temple wears a beautiful festive look decorated with colorful bright flags and flowers. Activities that take place include prayer meets, recitation of Buddhist scriptures, processions, worship of the statue of Buddha, sermons, and religious discourses.
  • There is a large fair organized in Uttar Pradesh where relics of Buddha are taken out in public procession.
  • The dress code is pure white and people normally refrain from eating Non-Vegetarian food & pungent spices like onions, garlic, chives, and scallions. Whereas on the other hand, kheer and sweet rice porridge is served to recall the story of Sujata, who offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge. The food varies with the celebration of the festival in different regions by different sectors.
  • Devotees can also plan a religious trip to Bodhgaya and visit the temple for having an impeccable festive experience.
  • In India, this festival of Buddha Purnima is celebrated by paying a special visit to the common Viharas.
  • For public viewing of Buddha, The National Museum in Delhi also brings the mortal remains of Buddha.
  • In Delhi, the Tibet House holds a special ceremony and exhibition in conjunction with the Indian Ministry of Culture attended by the Prime Minister of India, Monks, and multiple other international dignitaries.
  • In Sikkim, Buddha Purnima is rejoiced and celebrated as Saga Dawa. The events range from blowing of horns, beating of drums, to burning of incense. Other monasteries in the state have special masked dance performances and special processions too.
  • On the northern outskirts of Mumbai, a special one-day Vipassana Meditation Course is held at the spectacular golden Pagoda where the relics of Buddha are enshrined in the dome of the Pagoda.
  • Followers also free caged birds on this festival as a symbol of empathy and compassion for living beings, which is one of the most significant teachings of Lord Buddha.
  • The statue of Lord Buddha is kept in a basin and filled with water and decorated with flowers all over.
  • According to the Hindu beliefs, it’s said if you take Bath in the holy Ganga river, then it washes away your sins.
  • The festival also symbolizes love and empathy where one can donate money, share food, or donate goods to elderly people, the needy, and the poor.
  • In Asia, Buddha Purnima is celebrated by lighting candles, reciting the three jewels, and five precepts.

Embracing the festival of Buddha Purnima during the Pandemic!

Buddha Purnima is all about praying with the purest of feelings and adopting the three most important pillars of what Buddhism stands for Harmony, Peace, and Non-Violence. It’s impossible to imagine a life without festivals and celebrations right? Thus, humanity is being tested like never before and digital transformation is on a boost to ensure collaboration and love between people. And therefore, there is nothing that should stop the devotees from celebrating the festivals in their bandwidth. The Coronavirus pandemic has led the celebrations to be more than just meeting each other but celebrating new kinds of love, spreading positivity, and spreading ideas. So why wait? Let’s just celebrate!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]