Battle Cry Stickers: Who’s Using Them and Why?

It is a warm summer day, and you decided to go outside to inhale some fresh air. While comfortably standing close to the door, you happen to come across a car parked next to your lawn and something captured your interest. A bumper sticker says, “What would Scooby do?”

You smiled for a second or two. Then, with the smile it brought you, it made you think—bumper stickers, quite fascinating right?

Seeing how the market is immensely evolved right now, it is a lot easier to find quality but cheap and eco-friendly bumper stickers out there, even if you are just at home.

It is always fun to load your virtual cart. But have you ever wondered why people love having a bumper sticker?

Here are some familiar users and the most relevant reasons people buy a bumper sticker:

Business Owners

According to Global Web Index, 80% of businesses with social media presence find it practical to use a bumper sticker in promoting their business. They are traditional promotions in papers but more durable and permanent in each place you put them.

Cost-effectiveness is why business owners switched to using a bumper sticker. Suppose you find a supplier that makes quality and long-term creative mini-posters. In that case, you get to enjoy having an active presence in the eyes of consumers without any trouble in reproducing tons of advertising materials.

In the growing culture of using these stickers, it is only fair that business owners see this as an opportunity to understand consumers’ habits and likes better.

Interpersonal Folks

Some love putting bundles of a bumper sticker in their briefcase or bag because they want to make an impression. Sometimes it is a social cue in determining which people are humorous, creative thinkers, open communicators, and whatnot.

People with excellent interpersonal skills love these creative stickers because they are meaningful, especially highly customizable.

For them, it fosters effective communication, makes them relatable, demonstrates them as a socially aware person, and more importantly, puts them in an invitational aura which they clearly would love to have.


As someone with a firm conviction, having a bumper sticker is one way to release some thoughts. When you try to seek support from the public or call out something that you deemed condemnable, a bumper sticker catalyses the deliverance.

Cloud Nine Enthusiasts

Having a bundle of bumper stickers is fun. No one thinks that was ever in question. Most of its users have a simple reason— to smile and bring a smile to other people. They say happiness is a choice, so commonly, those who want happiness usually end up wanting a life full of these stickers.

Culture inhabits the hearts and souls of people. So now, you get why bumper stickers are considered a growing culture among people. If you find yourself one of these people and find your reason as one of the above mentioned, then it is only safe to say that you are a part of a glorious and wonderful culture.

Fittingly, as it transcends to everyone else in the country, make sure to find your best bumper sticker.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]