English exam

Beginner tips to clear IBPS clerk exam 

Institute of Banking Personnel and Selections (IBPS) comes under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. It conducts recruitment exams for the selection of qualified candidates for the banking sector. The exams conducted are competitive in nature. 

Earlier, candidates had to write different exams conducted by different banks. Later, the exams for posts of clerks and officers’ underwent a change. The role of conducting exams and selection was conferred on IBPS, leading to consolidation and standardization of the recruitment process. IBPS caters to the needs of not only the public sector but also the private sector and foreign banks and financial institutions.

CRP Clerical is one of the four recruitment processes that IBPS conducts annually. The youth of the nation is keen to work in the government sector because of their desire to serve the country and also because of the security and respect that accompanies a government job. The pandemic has disrupted the economy and all other spheres of life. One of the important tasks for the government during such times is to develop and promote job opportunities. This is done on behalf of the government by organizations like IBPS. The IBPS Clerk exam is conducted online at various examination centres across the nation.  

The exam is conducted in two phases:

Phase 1- The preliminary exam: It is a screening sage. You have to score above the cutoff mark to make your way to the list. The questions asked are from different segments. The exam comprises Multiple Choice Questions. The questions will be given in English as well as Hindi. You have to have sufficient knowledge to clear the prelims exam and reach the mains stage.

Questions are asked from the English Language, Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning ability. You will be given one hour to answer 100 questions. 0.25% of the marks assigned to a particular question will be deducted if your answer is wrong (Negative Marking). 

Phase 2- The Main Exam- Your selection will be determined by your mains exam. The marks scored in the prelim exam will have no impact on your rank and selection. The questions in the exam will be asked from English, Quantitative, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge and General Awareness topics. If you have prepared well for your preliminary exam, you just have to give extra focus on the remaining two to clear your mains exam.

Every year, lakhs of candidates appear for the exam and competition is on the rise. If you want to get the job, you have to clear both the exams and perform well in your mains exam. How well you can manage your time is also equally important. 

Here are certain tips to help you get the job in the banking sector:

  • Syllabus

Before you start your preparation, you should go through the syllabus and the notification. The questions will be asked from the syllabus. Making a list of the topics that you have to study will help you keep a track of your preparation. Mark tick on the topic that you have complemented. As you slowly and steadily start reaching the end of your topic list, you will gain more confidence. You will feel prepared for the exam

  • Previous Year Exam

After you have gone through the syllabus, download the previous year questions papers. Try to find out what topics are more marks fetching. Try to see if there exists any kind of trend. Understand the format of the exam. Give more time to those topics that occur more frequently in the previous papers.

  • Make your own strategy

You can follow numerous topper strategies online. But they might not even work for you. No two people have the same strong and weak areas. Try to understand what your strong area is and the area that you need to put into more time and effort. Make a schedule and frame your own timetable. Inculcate a habit of self-discipline and start answering to yourself. 

  • For English

To score well in English, focus on comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spotting the errors, idioms, and fill in the blanks. You can read newspapers, current affairs magazines. Other than helping with your language skills, they will enhance your understanding of the world. Read story books or novels to increase your reading speed. 

  • For Quant

Write down formulas and read them daily. Learn tricks and tips to answer a question faster. Give sufficient time to prepare Number System, Percentage, Simplification, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time, Speed and Distance and Data Interpretation. Focus more on the topics that you find difficult. And practice. The only way to enhance your marks in Quant is to practice various questions from different sources, previous year papers or sample papers.

  • For Reasoning

This is the most fun and interesting area for lots of students. It is relatively easy and scoring. You don’t need to have to devote significant hours to prepare for it. Just practice at least 20 questions daily. Focus on Syllogisms, Blood Relations, Seating arrangements, Coding-Decoding, Distance and Directions and Analogy.

  • For General Awareness

Read newspapers daily and follow any current affairs magazine. Give special emphasis to news belonging to the banking sector, schemes of the government, the budget of the government etc.

  • For Computer Knowledge

You need to have a basic knowledge of computer software and hardware. Topics such as Internet and e-mail, keyboard shortcuts, networking, operating systems- are easy to learn. Learning them also proves to be helpful when you use and work on a computer.

Oliveboard provides you access to different resources, from e-books to mock tests. Take mock tests regularly; assess in which areas you should invest your time more. You can also download their current affairs pdf and read and revise it in your free time. To clear this exam, you have to stay true to yourself and to your preparation. Evaluate yourself regularly. Study hard and utilize the Internet smartly. Eat Healthy, Stay Hydrated and Exercise regularly. All the best!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]