Nonprofit Strategies for Growing

Best Nonprofit Strategies for Growing Your Impact In 2021

To grow impact in 2021, nonprofits should strategize with regard to constituent communication, engagement and fundraising. Many organizations already use Raiser’s Edge, Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack or other nonprofit data management software, but integration software is necessary to get the most out of each and every system. From NPSP data import to Raiser’s Edge exports, integration software connects constituent relationship management software to other systems for pursuing strategies geared toward greater impact.

Marketing With the Right Software

Using the right marketing applications is an important step toward increasing organizational impact. This process starts with nonprofit data software such as a CRM and integration software. These systems make it possible to access the precise donor records staff or stakeholders need at any time on any system in use at an organization to communicate with donors or otherwise increase visibility.

In addition to the behind-the-scenes CRM and integration software used at a nonprofit, many organizations also use third-party marketing tools. Some CRMs include built-in engagement features. An organization should decide whether these tools are the most convenient and effective means to increase impact or identify external resources that are likely to require integration.

Maintaining a Clean Data Structure

A clean data structure is typically more scalable than a complex structure. As an organization grows, it is helpful to have a consistent system for keeping track of contact, donation and other types of relevant constituent data. While the data structure of an organization is typically not apparent to constituents or potential supporters, a tidy structure can account for more individuals and contribute toward increased impact.

When a data structure is clean, the data stored in each record is organized. Data for constituents should be consistent enough to allow for segmentation and appear in query results. Organizations that use more than one platform to manage constituent relationships, process donations and track engagement need integration software to ensure that data stays clean during imports and exports.

Segmenting and Targeting for Fundraising

While the big picture of an organization can go a long way toward creating overall impact, it can be helpful to issue specialized appeals to constituents. This is true of communications with informational intentions and giving appeals. The overall amount and particular types of data available for contacts or constituents are significant for segmentation and targeting.

One of the best ways for an organization to grow its impact in 2021 is to take the right approach to each category of constituent. A nonprofit may want to increase its impact among constituents who are most likely to give, which might involve referencing wealth data, donation and engagement records and other information in a CRM or through integration software.

Marketing tools and CRM software both play a critical part in growing the impact of an organization. Integration software connects systems and can make the most accurate and current constituent contact and donation information available when and where it is needed. Optimizing the data strategy of an organization is the first step toward increasing impact. This process usually proves to be ongoing as an organization grows.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]