Blogging 101: Managing WordPress

Do you need help with managing WordPress?

These days, anyone can make their own website. With eCommerce on the rise, there are plenty of online tools to bring our ideas to life. You can find online platforms to host your blog or the product page.

One of these platforms is WordPress, which is popular and used by many. Check the comparison between WordPress and Pimcore here.  Want to know how you can increase traffic to your WordPress blog? Optimizing your blog with the right tools will allow you to increase your visitor volume.

This article covers five ways to optimize your blog and improve its function. Read what we have below and learn more.

1. Customize Your Permalinks

WordPress has permalinks available to you, but did you know that you can customize them? When managing WordPress, it’s good practice to customize your permalinks. This allows you to update any part of your blog whenever you need to.

This will help you and your target audience know that you’re active. Updating your permalinks will also help boost your keywords and posts. This helps make your blog more readable and easy to find.

2. Improve Your Loading Time

Studies show that most visitors will leave your website if it takes more than three seconds to load. Optimizing a page’s loading speed is one of the best practices of website management. To boost your loading time, compress images, minify codes, and reduce redirects.

3. Disable Browsing Through the Directory

Your website content is available for browsing with the use of the right URL. This makes your blog and website vulnerable to changes from an outsider. Disable directory browsing to enhance your blog’s security.

Disabling this setting makes you less vulnerable to hackers. This also protects your information by closing off possibilities of exploitation.

4. Market Through Social Media

Marketing is a good way of making a strategy to improve your website or blog. One great way to enhance your digital marketing strategy is by using social media. Social media gives you direct access to your target audience.

Advertising and doing your marketing on social media is free. Most social media platforms support this, and what you need to do is share your blog. You can even interact with loyal customers and host contests and giveaways.

5. Support Mobile Browsing

Desktop and laptops are not the only means of accessing the internet. Many online users now browse the web through smartphones. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, you could be losing visitors.

Optimize your blog for mobile browsing. This improves user experience and can even boost your SEO score. When optimizing your blog for mobile use, simplify or reduce images and font styles.

Feeling overwhelmed with these tasks? Check out EasyWP to discover simplified WordPress hosting services.

Blogging Tips to Make Managing WordPress Easier

Now you know some essential tips and tricks when managing WordPress websites. With proper page optimization, you’re set for a successful WordPress website.

However, your efforts shouldn’t stop here. Want to learn other ways to improve your blog and its functions? Check out our other blog posts to learn more tips on managing your website.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]