Backyard Party

7 Cool Backyard Party Decor And Hacks You Must Try

One of the best parts of the warmer summer months is the opportunity to gather and enjoy the backyard. Hosting a backyard party is a great way to take advantage of the weather while reconnecting with family and friends. In areas where outdoor gatherings are the only option due to COVID-19 restrictions, you’ll need careful planning to make it fun and safe for all.

Here are six cool backyard party decor and hacks you must try this summer.

Use Hot Coolers and Ice Baths

One of the biggest challenges to entertaining outdoors is keeping the hot food hot and the cold food cold. Some cold dishes are particularly susceptible to the weather, like potato salad.

To avoid giving food poisoning to all of your friends, create an ice bath using a large tote bin or kiddie pool. Set this on a table and rest the relevant dishes on the ice. Things like salads and cold cuts will stay crisp and cool while remaining easily accessible.

For the hot food, repeat the same process by using a cooler with hot water in the bottom. This is a great option for keeping hot dogs and corn warm while protecting them from pests. Be sure to warn everyone that there is hot water in the cooler, and keep them lower to the ground to avoid tipping and spilling.

Create Functional Centerpieces

Simple centerpieces are a great way to decorate for an outdoor party without breaking the bank. They add a sense of elegance to any outdoor party and bring the space together. By adding some functional elements, you can create a centerpiece that both looks great and serves a purpose.

For example, you can put floating citronella candles in rustic mason jars containing water. Then, surround them with the most gorgeous inexpensive flowers you can find. This centerpiece will look great without being overstated and help keep the bugs away.

Use cold spark fountain

Elevate your centrepieces by incorporating cold spark fountain machines, adding a touch of magic to the ambiance. These machines emit safe and captivating sparks, enhancing the overall visual appeal of your outdoor party. Strategically place them amidst your floral and candle arrangement for a dynamic and festive atmosphere. The combination of functional elements like citronella candles, beautiful flowers, and the mesmerizing spark fountains will not only create a stunning focal point but also contribute to a memorable and enjoyable experience for your guests.

Use Creative Lighting

When it comes to decor for a backyard party, lighting is everything. There’s nothing as magical as an evening in the backyard with string lights overhead.

Get some simple solar lights for footpaths and garden edges to help prevent accidents as the evening wears on. Add a few simple string lights crossing over the yard to illuminate the space with atmospheric lighting. You don’t have to purchase new lights for this purpose; Christmas lights will work fine. You can also add paper lanterns or net lighting around trees for a stylish, functional decor set-up for a birthday or wedding anniversary party.

Take a Bohemian Inspired Approach

Boho chic decor has been a staple for backyard parties for decades. This design scheme looks fantastic and is simple and affordable to put together. Bohemian-inspired backyard parties solve the problem of seating and comfort while encouraging relaxation and conversation.

Start by hanging lights and tapestries as your primary design features. Incorporate various textiles, and set up cushions and rugs on the ground in conversational arrangements. Use low-lying tables or wood pallets with table cloths as your main surfaces. In a pinch, you can always use twine and bedsheets to create “rooms” outside. Be sure to put out plenty of blankets and comfort items for guests to use as needed.

Create Backyard Party Zones

Create designated party zones by planning the layout of your backyard before the event starts. To keep things simple, you can add chalkboard signs outlining what each area contains. For example, you might have an area for yard games, a dining area, and a place to mingle and chat.

Adding this separation creates structure and flow for your party. It gives guests the option to engage in different activities and set the course for their evening. This decor hack also gives you the option to take control of the party, limiting some activities after a certain point and encouraging others. For example, you might encourage people away from the games after dark by limiting the lighting in that area.

Create a Cleaning Station

Finally, keep your backyard tidy and everyone safe and healthy with a cleaning station. Set up hand sanitizer, bins for food waste and dishes, and clear signage and instructions for people to follow. This feature will help with your clean-up efforts and ensure everyone’s hands are clean after enjoying the backyard.

With these six hacks, you can put together a budget-friendly, enjoyable backyard party to celebrate those warm summer days and breezy summer evenings.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]