Effective Sofa-Cleaning Guide for Pet Owners

When you have pets, unavoidable accidents take place, especially on your couch. Have you just noticed your beloved pet has urinated leaving an unpleasant odour on your upholstered furniture? Ugh! Removing these stains and odour out of your couch may seem impossible. However, a few handy tricks up your sleeve can help you in your upholstery cleaning in Melbourne.

  1. Soak it up:

When liquid spills on your sofa, take action quickly. More fresh the stain more it is to remove it. What you have to do is, at first blot the mess with a clean white cloth as much as you can. Do not rub as this could damage the fabric fibers; simply lay down a paper towel or cloth to absorb what remains. In this way, you can reduce any odors and make the sofa cleaning process much easier later on.

  1. Ventilate the cushions inserts:

After you’ve soaked up the liquid, give exposure to any of the detachable pieces of your couch, such as cushion inserts. You can also vacuum upholstery daily to remove any lingering odors or pet hair.

  1. Removing Pet Hair:

Many animal owners know that pets shed. Removing pet hair is relatively simple for upholstery. Dampen a pair of sponge or rubber gloves and simply glide your hands across your sofa and the hair will clump together. You can also make use of hair magnet brushes to pick up your pet’s hair from your sofa.

  1. Spot wash or clean:

Before you apply any sofa cleaning detergent to your upholstery, check the manufacturer’s instructions or consult professionals. If they specify that solvents are okay to use, only then apply them for your upholstery. Gently dab at the spot and rinse it with water as necessary. Pet-specific enzymatic cleaners or baking soda can also be effective at removing the stain. We also suggest you avoid steam cleaning, as the heat can cause any stains to set in or can burn the fabric.

  1. Neutralize the odours:

Baking soda can be useful in removing stains and odors. When you apply the baking soda, leave it overnight to reduce the severity of the odour, and then later vacuum it up. You can also apply an enzymatic spray, which is designed to naturally remove smells and formulate pet messes. Even vinegar can help neutralize a strong smell if it is safe for your upholstery fabric.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]