Everything to Look for When Buying a Used Forklift

Did you know that almost 1.5 million forklifts were sold across the globe in the year 2019? Forklifts are a big investment for any business to make, and this is especially true when it comes to purchasing construction equipment that is brand new. This is why it is always a great idea to consider a used forklift when you make the decision to purchase equipment.

Used equipment is often just as great for your needs but it is also much more cost-effective. One thing to keep in mind is that there might not be a plethora of information available when you decide to purchase a used forklift.

The good news is that you’re in the right place to learn about the things to look for when you buy a used forklift. Keep reading this article to learn more.

Check the Forks

The first thing that you’ll want to check out when you’re purchasing a used forklift is the status of the forks. This is the part of the forklift that bears the majority of the burden so the forklift is useless if the forks are damaged. Start in the front of the forks and start looking for any cracks or any places where the forks are bent.

Cracks are the biggest issue to look out for because they’re signs that repair is in the near future for that particular forklift. This is a big deal since the forks are carrying so much of the burden. It is also dangerous since the forks could break and put the operator or other people in the vicinity in danger.

Another area to check with the forks is the heel area. This area should be just as thick as the vertical part of the forks. If it is not then it signifies that your forks are worn and you’ll need a replacement upon purchasing a used forklift.

Check Lift Chains for Gaps

Another area of concern when you’re looking to buy a used forklift is the lift chain. The best way to check out lift chains for damage and gaps is to start at the bottom where the forks are and work your way up the chain. You should also check out the mast on the used forklift to see if there are any cracks there.

This will not only help you find potential cracks in the mast, but it will also show you areas where there were previous issues and a weld occurred. Previous welds are a problem because they might not be strong enough or secure enough depending on the quality of the welding job.

Look at the Tires

The tires are also an important place to check out when you’re looking to buy a used forklift. The best approach for inspecting the tires is to get down and feel them. Use your hands and your eyes to look for worn areas or places that have sustained damage. Another key thing to keep an eye out for is chunking.

Chunking will look like a large animal came up and bit a chunk out of your used forklift tires. Chunks are a big issue but so are cracks in the tires. Keep an eye out for cracks that could be a sign of needing new tires.

There are also wear lines that you need to look out for. Each forklift tire has a line on the outside wall of the tire that marks when you need to get replacement tires for your forklift. These markings are meant to keep the forklift operator and the people around your warehouse safe.

If you notice that your tires are worn down to this line then you need to start looking for replacement tires for your forklift. Some tires might not have a wear line. If that is the case then you should use the letters or numbers on the tire as a measuring point to determine if the used equipment needs new tires.

Check Battery Life

The battery is another expensive and crucial part of a used forklift that you need to check out. There isn’t a great way to track the number of hours that a battery has been used, but it is a good idea to ask the forklift dealer about how many shifts the battery has experienced.

It is a good rule of thumb that a typical forklift battery will last around five years if it experiences one shift per day. A forklift battery that got two shifts per day will last around half that amount of time. You also need to check the exterior of your used forklift battery to make sure that it isn’t leaking battery acid and it isn’t experiencing corrosion.

Look at the Engine

In addition to the battery, you’ll also want to make sure that you take a close look at the engine. Start by running the forklift for a few minutes and then start looking for any leaks or issues that you can identify in the engine compartment. This includes checking any lines or rubber hosing for leaks or issues.

You also need to check the oil levels in the forklift’s engine. This means pulling the dipstick and seeing that the forklift has enough oil inside of the engine for safe operation. If the oil is low then it could be a sign that this used forklift has an issue with oil leaks. While you’re in the engine area, you should also make sure that the belts are all in good working order as well.

Start Shopping for Your Next Used Forklift

Getting a used forklift is a cost-effective option when you’re looking to grow your warehousing operations and need to purchase equipment. Opting to buy a used forklift will save you money but you need to make sure that you look over the different components like the engine, the forklift battery, and the tires. You should also make sure that the mast and the forks are in good condition.

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About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]