Everything You Need to Know About Cuts and Bruises

Are you dealing with a minor injury at home?

Cuts and bruises are some of the most common injuries that a person can get. Even children will stumble and fall while playing outside. While it’s crucial to remember that this is normal, it’s best to know proper protocols.

Want to know more about the differences between cuts and bruises? Here’s everything you need to know about minor wounds and how to deal with them. Read on to find out more.

What Are Cuts?

Cuts have two identifications: a shallow cut (or scratch) and a deep cut (or laceration). A shallow cut or scratch is a minor wound and is often superficial. One can get a cut from a sharp edge like fingernails or a tree branch.

A deep cut is also known as a laceration and goes through the skin completely. A laceration may come from a knife, a shard of glass, or a razor.

What Are Bruises?

A bruise may form on your skin after a direct blow, often from a blunt force. Blunt force may include a direct punch or hit from a blunt weapon, like a baseball bat.

Bruises will form discolorations on the skin that can range from pink to purple or even yellow. This shade often depends on the severity of the bruise and how long it’s been on your skin. Bruises should last no longer than two to four weeks.

How Do You Treat Them?

It’s good practice to have a ready first aid kit at your side. If you haven’t visited your first aid kit in a while, you may need to refill supplies.

To prevent bacterial infection on broken skin, wash your hands before treatment. Apply pressure on a cut or laceration with a clean cloth or gauze pad. Rinse the wounded area with running water and clean with soap.

You can treat a minor scratch at home. Lacerations, however, may need stitches depending on the severity of the wound.

A bruise does not usually require advanced medical treatment. If it’s too painful, apply an ice pack and elevate the affected area to avoid swelling. If you don’t have an ice pack, find a bag of ice and wrap it around a towel.

When to Seek Professional Medical Care

Most cuts and bruises can receive adequate treatment at home. However, some situations may call the need for emergency services. When dealing with a laceration, call 911 if the wound spurts blood or doesn’t stop bleeding.

If you have bruises that appear out of nowhere, it’s best to consult a professional. A large bruise that forms after a minor injury is also a cause for concern. Some bruises can be a sign of internal bleeding.

If you think you’re in a life-threatening situation, don’t hesitate to call for help.

First Aid Advice for Cuts and Bruises

Here’s everything you need to know about cuts and bruises. While dealing with a skin injury is easy, it’s best to know proper medical practices. Use this article as a guide for treating cuts and bruises at home.

Want to know more about first aid? Check out our other blog posts and find more guides on dealing with injuries.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]