Planning a Music Concert

Five Things to Consider When Planning a Music Concert

With the pandemic restrictions slowly being lifted, life is returning to normal. It means some of our most sought-after entertainment sources may be coming back soon. Music festivals and concerts are coming back in a big way. Not only are millions of people looking forward to festivals, but the musicians are just as excited as their fans are. If you are someone who plans on arranging concerts, you are just in luck. Now would be the perfect time to plan events as people are dying to see artists perform again.
Though excitement may be looming and preparations may be somewhat in place, there are still things that you need to consider before planning a concert. Events like these are cost millions of dollars to pull off, and there is major room for error around every turn. With that said, here are five common things that you should consider when planning a music concert. Make sure you read till the end to gain a holistic idea of getting things done efficiently.

1.       Know Your Audience

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when booking an artist is to book the wrong artist for the wrong audience. If you have a younger age group, don’t think about booking classic rock bands. No one around that age wants to listen to artists their parents listen to. Make sure you consider the demographics of the crowd beforehand.

For instance, if you have a younger age group that might like upbeat techno music, consider booking artists like Major Laser. It’s also essential to go through the right source. Contacting an agency may be the best way to go about establishing communication. Your Major Lazer booking will become considerably easier if you contact their agency rather than fishing around online. The agency itself may help you find the right artist based on your demographics.

2.       Check the Weather

No, we aren’t joking. It is one of the essential factors that you may want to consider before planning a concert. Delays can cost massive amounts of money, and cancelation can leave a bad taste in thousands of people’s mouths. Moreover, these are people who desperately needed a change like this after COVID. If something as mundane as bad weather postpones the performance, you may have a riot on your hands.

It would be best to look at the weather forecast and plan accordingly. If there is even the slightest room for doubt, consider changing the date in advance. Making changes after the fans have already bought tickets can cause significant issues. Rain can make it hard for performers to do their thing. There is an added degree of hazard if the electrical equipment gets wet in outdoor concerts.

3.       Set a Realistic Budget

You need to have a realistic budget in mind when booking a concert. You cannot go into the idea of the event with the concept of bargaining your way through and cutting costs. Cost-cutting strategies are clear as day, and the fans will voice their opinions.

The key to setting a budget for an event is to have a back reserve of cash if anything goes wrong. Things often go wrong in situations like this. Vendors back out, delays create panic, and you may not get as many ticket sales as you expected. The fans aren’t going to take no for an answer, so make sure you have reserve cash to account for any setbacks. If your vendor backs out, be prepared to call in another one, even if they cost a bit more.

4.       Venues and Permits

With concerts and other musical events, one of the most important prerequisites is gaining permission from the local government. With all these people gathering together, you need to have permission. Moreover, with the amount of noise that the concert creates, you need a permit. Getting hold of these permission slips may take some time, so make sure you get on it in advance rather than leaving it to the last minute.

Permits, when you are conducting an open-air concert, might be harder to get. Indoor events aren’t as complicated. However, they are often booked in advance. It’s usually easier to book an indoor event. However, sometimes the initial booking costs can cost more than an outdoor event. Therefore, you may want to check your budget before you make a decision. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, make sure you get down to things with time to spare. If you wait too long, things can turn against you, and you may not get the chance to conduct your musical event.

5.       Find Sponsors

Sponsors often look for the right opportunity to jump at. Concerts with reputable artists are a great way to advertise their products. Hence, many companies see this as a priceless money-making opportunity. Moreover, with hundreds or thousands of people in attendance, make sure you target the right company based on the demographics audience.
However, the trick to getting a sponsor is an ironclad proposal. Consider it as the sales pitch of your life. Some of these deals could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, you need to get the brand manager interested in the event with quantitative data about the potential event. These people do this for a living, so expect them to drive a hard bargain. They will low-ball you out of the water, stay strong, and argue for the price you think is right. Sponsorship helps cut your costs. You don’t need to invest all that much if you have sponsors backing you up. Your main source of income will probably be the ticket revenue. Sponsorship is just the icing on the cake, and that’s the way you should see it.


There we have some of the best ways to prepare for your musical concert. These are just some of the common things that you should consider. Other things come into play, but then again, variables exist everywhere. Whether it’s the annual Christmas dinner at work or the greatest music festival of the summer, a fork in your spokes may arise at just about every corner. So, consider some of these planning strategies to make the best concert this summer.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]