
Furniture Donation Pick Up Houston, TX

Are you looking for a location in Houston, Texas, to donate your old furniture and appliances? Here are some fantastic choices: Donation pick-up services are provided by the Salvation Army Donation Centers in Houston, TX, Goodwill, and Habitat for Humanity, respectively. Continue reading for further information on each charity and instructions on arranging a pick-up.


1. Salvation Army Pick-up | Salvation Army Houston


The Salvation Army is a worldwide organization that was established in 1865. Within the context of the Christian Church, the Salvation Army is an evangelical branch. Their initiatives are designed to assist a diverse group of individuals who are in need. It may include helping those who are homeless, assisting a kid who has a handicap, or assisting people who have disabilities themselves.

In addition, they assist those who are struggling with a wide range of issues, such as the aftermath of natural disasters, starvation, poverty, addiction, and even human trafficking. The request for the pick-up of donated furniture is only one of the ways that they fund their activities.


What Purpose Does Your Donation Serve?


When you donate to the Salvation Army, the organization will put the furniture up for sale at one of its charity shops. The money made from the sales is donated to various organizations that help those in need, such as disaster assistance, homeless shelters, food banks, and rehabilitation institutions. People in your neighborhood struggling to make ends meet will benefit from your generosity if you give the Salvation Army the furniture you no longer use.


2. Habitat for Humanity Donation Pickup


Habitat for Humanity is an international charity with the mission of supply of goods and services to those in need. It seeks financial contributions to construct or rebuild low-cost housing that needs repair, and it does so by collecting donations. You might also donate the furnishings to a charitable organization. These items may be purchased from businesses specializing in home remodeling, known as Habitat ReStores. The money goes to support various humanitarian initiatives.


 3. Goodwill Pick-up | Goodwill Houston


Goodwill was founded to assist persons who were struggling financially. A Methodist clergyman named Reverend Edgar J. Helms believed it was more vital to provide “opportunity” to individuals than it was to provide charity to them. He established Goodwill to collect stuff from more affluent neighborhoods, which is still in operation today.


How does that work?


Goodwill provides a free pick-up service for donations of used furniture, which enables the organization to assist more individuals. Goodwill would gladly arrange for a pick-up of any usable but gently used furniture you have lying around your house. This is a fantastic opportunity to assist those less fortunate while reducing clutter in your own life.


What Influence Does Your Donation Have?


When you donate furniture to Goodwill, you assist the organization’s mission to support job-seekers in your region with services like job-hunting assistance and job placement. Donating furniture also allows you to donate other large goods that are difficult to move, so take advantage of that by scheduling a pick-up service.

Donated furniture items are sold in Goodwill’s major retailers and on the organization’s website to generate funds for employment counseling and placement services.


4. Christian Army


The Christian Army’s Furniture Donation Pick-Up service has earned over 300 five-star ratings on Google, making it one of the most highly regarded suppliers of pick-up services. Donations of important household appliances and pieces of furniture also assist sustain the Christian Army Recovery Community.


What Influence Does Your Donation Have?


A group that helps low-income families and children in the neighborhood is known as the Christian Army. They run various initiatives that give those in the most desperate need of hope and possibilities to better their lives. In addition, they have a network of people in recovery whom they support financially via contributions.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]