Ghostwriting in Education

Ghostwriting in Education: Is There a Real Benefit for Students?

Ghostwriting is a common practice among students, but it’s believed to be an awful academic theft and dishonesty that violates writing ethics. Hiring a ghostwriter can also be named “contract cheating,” which means a professional writer undertakes a student’s paper by receiving good payment for their services.

There’s a wide range of opinions concerning ghostwriting in education. Sure, students pay money because of their laziness mostly, but this way, they have a chance to receive a compelling paper out of plagiarism. Students do so because they can’t understand the demands set for their tasks, or they don’t want to create any content, have no idea to write something worthy, or simply have no time to do it by themselves.

Is there any harmful or positive impact of ghostwriting services on the studying process? In this article, we’ll try to confirm and oppose this statement, so keep track of us.

Students’ Position Regarding Ghostwriting: How to Look Like a Talented Writer

Ghostwritten text can be detected easily by qualified tutors, so this fact makes students get prepared better for exams and project defense. Let’s outline what features indicate ghostwriting? This point relates to oral exams mostly and composing research projects. When a student executes their works on their own, tutors see that they’re confident enough and think freely concerning the topic. They can prove the authenticity of their research and speak easily on closely related topics and answer additional questions.

On the contrary, a student who uses ghostwriting services tries to follow blindly a written text keeping their eyes on it all the time. Despite the fact that a paper is purely polished and referenced with fitting sources, it may have some inaccuracies and plagiarism.

The next aspect is that academic writing is quite demanding and competitive. New requirements occur each year. Hence, students should meet them closely to get high grades. To be able to present high-quality content, students tend to ask ghostwriters to perform their papers on their behalf.

If to pay more, ghostwriters will spend more time crafting an original paper by preserving its higher security and decreasing plagiarism risk. Most students say that hiring a ghostwriter is commonly beneficial: a student will get a high-quality essay and boost academic performance, and a ghostwriter will receive extra payment for their work.

Ghostwriting & Plagiarism – How to Deal With It

Even though ghostwriting can’t be detected by plagiarism software, it can be revealed by a college tutor who knows the real talents and capabilities of a student. So, it’s believed to be more harmful to academic activity than plagiarized content.

However, plagiarism is a pure theft of academic property without the agreement of the original author. Meanwhile, ghostwriting is a mutual agreement when a person writes a text for a student, so the latter pays for it and submits the received paper as it’s their own work. Without considering sharp critics and disapproval, ghostwriting services are growing rapidly. Many students use such an option to ensure qualitative academic works and avoid struggling with academic challenges.

Even top students hire professional ghostwriters to compose their projects and have no hassle while writing them. Undergraduate, residency, or doctorate students search for specialized writing websites to load off themselves a bit and have more spare time for leisure, while a ghostwriting expert deals with a text.

Buying ghostwriting services has persuasive privileges for students, including:

  • Saving students’ time and nerves.
  • Hiring highly professional writers.
  • Using plagiarism checking tools.
  • Affordable price rating.
  • Managing time frames.

Generally, students feel comfortable about outsourcing a ghostwriter. Many experts claim that they lie to others by creating a false and fake image of their writing abilities and exaggerating their talents in research. They add that it’s a wrong and unfair way to receive high grades. But, we can’t change this situation and even prevent it in practice.

Ghostwriting Is Opposing Studying Goals & How to Fight It

Ghostwriting threatens academic integrity and undermines the role of academic writing in general. It’s a form of plagiarism, but it’s hard to detect via specialized plagiarism platforms. If a student doesn’t want or has no time or lack of skills to write a paper, they decide to outsource a ghostwriter who will craft any type of content on their behalf.

As usual, ghostwritten texts are of top quality. Content isn’t plagiarized in its traditional sense. It doesn’t copy a text without citations from the used sources. That’s why it’s a tricky issue to detect ghostwriting for university tutors. They believe it’s better to get a low score for an individually composed paper than a high grade for dishonest work and zero effort. There’re several steps to prevent ghostwriting:

  • Organize more oral exams.
  • Refuse from individual tasks.
  • Arrange collaborative work.
  • Students and tutors cooperate.

All in all, the majority of lecturers say that plagiarism is better than ghostwriting. What’s the reason? When detecting plagiarism, it means a student misunderstood something or forgot to put proper quotations. In contrast, ghostwriting means pure laziness and the absence of desire to write anything.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]