
Have an eye on Best Node.js Interview Questions

Due to its single-threaded design, is generally used for non-blocking, event-driven servers. It is used for traditional web pages and back-end API services despite being designed with real-time, push-based architectures in mind.

Following are some of the Node js Interview Questions for Novices

1. In JavaScript, what is a first class function?

Functions are first-class functions when they can be used in the same way as any other variable. There are numerous more programming languages that adhere to this, including JS, such as Scala, Haskell, etc. Because of this, a function can now return another function or be supplied as a parameter to another function (a callback) (higher-order function). Higher-order methods like map and filter are frequently utilised.

2. What and how does Node.js operate?

Node.js is a virtual machine that utilises Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and JavaScript as its scripting language. In essence, Node.js is built on an event-driven architecture with asynchronous I/O, making it quick and effective. Due to the fact that it offers API access to OS-level elements like the file system, network, etc., it is also utilised in the creation of desktop programmes using the well-known framework electron.

3. In your Node.js project, how do you manage packages?

Numerous package installers and their corresponding configuration files can control it. Use npm or yarn the most often among them. Both offer enhanced features for controlling environment-specific configurations for practically all javascript libraries. We utilise package.json and package-lock.json to manage the versions of the libraries that are installed in a project so that moving the app to another environment is simple.

4. How is Node.js superior to other widely used frameworks?

Contrary to other frameworks where developers must employ thread management, Node.js offers ease in development thanks to its non-blocking I/O and even-based approach, which results in quick response times and concurrent processing.

Additionally, since Javascript will be used in both the frontend and the backend, development will go much more quickly.

Finally, there are plenty of libraries, so we won’t have to keep inventing things.

5. Describe the steps. how “Control Flow” regulates the calls to the functions?

Control the execution’s timing

Gather data and restrict concurrency

Call the program’s subsequent step.

6. What benefits come from utilising promises rather than callbacks?

The primary benefit of using promises is that you receive an object to determine what needs to be done after the async job is finished. As a result, callback hell is avoided and the code is more manageable.

7. What does node JS fork mean?

In general, child processes are created via a fork. To launch numerous workers and execute the code, a new instance of the v8 engine is created in node.

Node.js was specifically developed as an async processing experiment. This was done to test a new theory of async processing on a single thread instead of the current thread-based scaling implementation across several frameworks.


The underlying cause is that Node. js’s processing methods are so quick and effective that they can be used to process JavaScript code. Node. js is non-blocking; by default, it executes code in an asynchronous fashion.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]