Dog Bike Trailer

Hotel Tips When Traveling With Your Dog

Most of us love to travel. And it’s always a better trip when you can take your dog along, right? A well-behaved dog will make an even better guest at a hotel. They won’t play loud music all night long, and they won’t try to sneak a few towels out in their suitcase. But no matter how amazing your dog is, you will still need to abide by some basic dog etiquette rules when you stay in a hotel. There are plenty of dog-friendly establishments to choose from all over the world, so make sure you and your pet are always welcomed back by following the tips below as advised by the seasoned dog lover and expert Dave Miller of Cozy Crates.

  1. Find a real dog-friendly hotel

Depending on the area you are staying in, finding a hotel that allows dogs may be harder than you would like. You may be tempted to sneak your pet in if you have trouble finding a hotel that doesn’t cater to dogs. Do you really want to have to worry about your dog while you are on vacation? You’ll spend the whole time looking over your shoulder while running in and out of your room with your dog when he needs to use the potty. If you’re caught, you’ll likely be thrown out with no chance for a refund. Save yourself the trouble and take the time to find a hotel that is happy to see your furry friend. It will make your life much easier, we promise!

  1. Be upfront about your dog

Even if the hotel you find is dog-friendly, there may still be a couple of small rules you have to abide by. This is especially true when it comes to the breed and size of your dog. Some hotels do have breed restrictions, even if they are technically dog-friendly. If you own a dog that may be considered a dangerous one, such as a Rottweiler or Pitbull, make certain the hotel allows the breed before checking in. Be honest when it comes to their size and temperament to avoid problems later on. You may be permitted to let your breed stay as long as you sign a waiver or put down a pet deposit beforehand. Being upfront will help you avoid issues that may arise later.

  1. Make sure your dog is housebroken

You wouldn’t want to vacation in a hotel room that has been stained by an untrained dog, would you? Of course not. If you plan to bring your dog to your hotel with you, he needs to be completely housebroken before you arrive. If you are worried about accidents, bring along the appropriate-sized doggy diapers to avoid them. And of course, make sure you have plenty of opportunities to take your dog outside to do his business, especially when you first check into the hotel room. Remember, a change in scenery and surroundings can make even the best-behaved dog nervous and upset, which can lead to accidents. If it happens, clean up as well as possible and report it to the cleaning staff as soon as possible.

  1. Bring along any papers you may need

Even if you are staying close to home, you should always have important papers concerning your pets when they stay with you. This includes the following:

  • Dog license
    • Current vaccine records, including rabies
    • Proof of ownership
    • Emergency numbers
    • Adoption or purchase records
    • List of any medications they take
    • Recent pictures (in the event they go missing)

Keep all records secure and close when you stay in a hotel with your dog. When and if you need them, you’ll have them at hand.

  1. Make sure your pet is healthy

You don’t want to bring a sick dog into a hotel if you can help it. The change will do him more harm than good. If you plan to stay in a hotel for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to head to the vet first to get a clean bill of health. This includes making sure your pooch is free of fleas, ticks, and other pest issues. Nobody will want to stay in a hotel that is infested with fleas!

  1. Never leave your dog alone in the room

If you plan to bring your dog to a hotel, you should expect them to be by your side for the entire trip. If you leave a dog all alone in an unfamiliar place, they can and will get into serious trouble. A nervous, scared dog may destroy a hotel room by chewing up the carpets, walls, furniture, and curtains. You certainly don’t want to pay the additional charges incurred by your dog! Your pup may also bark from the time you leave the room until the time you come back, disturbing and scaring guests and hotel staff.

  1. Inform staff of your dog’s presence

If you are staying in your hotel room for multiple days with your dog, make sure more than just the front desk is aware you have a pet in the room. Talk to your housekeeper or the housekeeping staff to let them know what to expect when they come in to clean or leave fresh towels. If you can, introduce your dog to the staff when you arrive. If you absolutely have to leave your dog behind in the room for a few hours, put a note on the door to warn the maids. Remember, your dog is always your responsibility.

  1. Bring bedding for your dog

It’s important to bring along items from home that will comfort your dog in a strange place. If he has his own dog bed and blanket to sleep on, he’ll feel calmer and more at home. Don’t allow your dog in the bed unless you bring your own sheet to cover the bedspread first. You may not mind the fur, but future occupants will likely not be as understanding!

  1. Keep your dog quiet

A barking dog will quickly make you the nemesis of the hotel. It’s never a good idea to allow a dog to stay in a hotel room, even a pet-friendly one, if they cannot stop barking. Take the time to train your dog not to bark at every noise he hears before you get to the hotel. It will make your stay that much more enjoyable, for you AND the other guests.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]