How the Right Video Script Format Can Help Your Commercial Videos: A Guide

A recent survey revealed that 70% of marketers find video marketing valuable. So much so, that it delivers a return-on-investment time and time again.

It’s not often that marketers find one tactic that works so well. Video marketing is necessary if you want to get attention, grow your brand, and increase sales.

The problem with video marketing is usually the videos themselves. They’re poorly planned and don’t follow a video script format.

That causes marketers and small business owners to create videos that don’t connect with anyone. Don’t fall into that trap, just keep reading.

Take a look at this guide to write scripts for commercial videos.

What Does a Video Script Do for Production?

Do you really need to write a script for your video? Yes, you do. The video script serves as your guide as you’re filming a video.

Let’s say you want to record a short video where you introduce your business to a new audience. You decide to wing it without a script or planning.

You get on camera and fill the video with “uh” and “um.” You come across as unprepared and the video is hard to watch because your “ums” are so distracting.

You end up doing more harm to your brand than good.

A video script actually saves money. That’s because you did most of the work in the writing and planning process. You’re overprepared to shoot the script.

Popular Video Script Formats

A video script format is a template to work from. There are common commercial video script formats to choose from.

One format to use is the explainer video. This explains what a product or service does. It starts with the customer who has a specific problem.

The video goes on to give your product as the solution and explains how it works and the results customers get.

A product announcement is another video format that is short and sweet. It has one message, which is the product and what it does.

A video interview is a way to introduce the brand. Companies can interview employees or have a roundtable discussion.

Video Script Elements

No matter what video script format you choose, there are some script elements that are non-negotiable. These elements must be included to capture the attention of your audience.

The hook is the introduction of the video. You have a couple of seconds to capture the attention of viewers.

The type of hook you use depends on where you’ll show your video. An educational YouTube video starts with an introduction that describes a problem and how the video will solve it.

An example of such a hook is “Hey everyone, have you ever had trouble figuring out how to grow your Instagram audience? In this video, we’re going to go over five quick tips to show you how to build your audience and get them to buy from you.”

If you’re going to put your video on social media channels, there needs to be a text introduction. That’s because most people don’t view social media videos with sound.

Videos need to have a single message. It’s normal to want to share as much information with your audience as possible, but you have to trust that less is more.

This is where the planning stage of commercial video production becomes so important. The planning process lets you narrow down your purpose and create a clear singular message.

Do you want to show a lot of analytics about your product or service? Statistics are good to back up points, but they shouldn’t be the main points. Give your data context by telling a story and backing it up with data to support it.

How to Write Your Commercial Video Script

Let’s get to writing your video script. It’s the start of commercial video production.

The first thing you need to decide is the purpose of the video. Do you want to educate your audience on a product? You might want to motivate them or inspire them to take action.

Entertaining your audience is also another purpose. As you create your purpose, consider where the video falls in the buying cycle.

You always want to end your video with a call to action to tell people to take the next step in the buying process. An entertaining video that introduces your brand to a new audience can encourage people to schedule an appointment or sign up for your list.

Create a customer avatar, which is a summary report of your audience. It’s a profile of a typical person watching the video.

The next step is to outline your script and choose a video script format. This is the structure that you’ll use to write the script.

Write a draft of the script. Writers tend to overthink script writing. Most tend to write down whatever comes to mind in the first draft and edit in the second draft.

This method is good, but you have to make sure you have a clear purpose and message. That lets you edit the script and chop out the unnecessary parts.

As you write the script, make director’s notes for shooting the script. Your commercial video is ready to go to production.

Create Commercial Videos With the Right Video Script Format

What does a video script format do for your commercial videos? It gives your commercial videos a clear message, context, and makes shooting a lot easier.

Make sure that your video script format always includes a hook, compelling stories, and a single message. Those are the key elements that create attention.

When you write your script, don’t skip over creating your avatar and defining the goals of the video. You’ll be able to write the script and shoot commercial videos with minimal editing and you’ll reduce production costs.

For more great tips, be sure to check out the other helpful articles on the blog today!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]