Clone A Plant

How To Clone A Plant- A Step by Step Guide

If you’re looking to clone a plant you’re in luck because the process is actually quite simple. We’ve put together a step by step guide to help you clone your plants, but before you move onto that, ensure you have your preferred containers on hand, plenty of soil, and your preferred root hormones. Let’s get to it, shall we weed delivery Newmarket?

Part 1

●    Step 1 – Choosing Your Containers

Choosing a container is a vital first step. The size of the container often depicts how many plants you can clone within them, the yield of said plant, and of course the accessibility you have over it. The majority of people use regular pots made for growing flowers or tomatoes, whereas others use transparent versions so they can watch as their plant takes root. Either way, make your decision and move onto step two.

●    Step 2 – Rockwool Versus Soil

Now that you’ve decided which container you want to use, you’ll now have to decide what to grow it in. Your two choices are Rockwool or soil. Keep in mind that you cannot move on without making this decision. If you have nothing for your plant to take root in, it won’t grow!

Most people choose soil simply because rockwood takes a lot of preparation compared to the soil. You’d need to soak the rockwood in water for at least one night, and would also need to ensure that the water you’re soaking it in has a PH balance of 4.5. Regular soil needs no such process to be a viable option.

●    Step 3 – Root Hormones

Now that you’ve decided which containers you are going to use, and which substance the plant will actually be growing in, it’s time to decide whether or not you are going to use root hormones. Root hormones are incredibly effective at fueling the growth of the plant. When you apply root hormones, it essentially sends the plant a message to set down more roots. More roots mean a bigger plant overall. Unfortunately, root hormones don’t tend to be the most environmentally friendly due to all of the chemicals commonly found within them. If you’re worried about the effect these potential toxins may have on your garden or on the plant, you can always omit this step.

Part 2

●    Step 4 – Inserting the Growing Substance

It’s now time to begin the actual process. Take your container and fill it with either the soil or Rockwool, depending on what you chose in step 2. For soil, fill the container right to the top, and make somewhat of a tunnel from the top all the way down to the bottom of the container. For the Rockwool, simply put a piece of it into the container.

●    Step 5 – Adding Water

If you’re using Rockwool, avoid this step completely. The Rockwool will have already been soaked during the night as described in step two. If you’re using soil, water the soil until it was moist, but do not drench it.

●    Step 6 – Making a Cut to the Terminal Stem

Go to your original plant, and cut off a lateral stem (NOT a terminal stem). Lateral stems are the stems branching off from the main stems (or terminal stems). Remove any and all excess greenery off of the stem you just cut.

●    Step 7 – Putting the Stem in the Soil/Rockwool

First, if you decided to use the rooting hormone, dip the stem into either a liquid form or a powdered form. Next, if you’re using soil, insert the stem into the dirt so that two-thirds of it is submerged. Do the same with Rockwool. Cover the plant with something to keep the moisture in. Plastic and glass work just fine, as long as they’re transparent.

●    Step 8 – Letting it Grow

Congrats, you’ve made it to the final step, which is perhaps the easiest of the bunch. Let it grow, and water it once a day. Simple as that! You just need to keep the soil moist, and ensure the plant gets lots of sunlight! There you go! Watch your plant grow!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]