PR Service

How to Find a PR Service in London

What is a PR service?

A Public Relations service or agency promotes companies and individuals through editorial coverage. Editorial coverage refers to free media such as newspaper clippings, website mentions, magazine articles, and TV appearances opposed to paid media advertisements.

The goal of all PR agencies is to promote their clients and portray them as relevant, inspiring, and all-around successful. Some tactics they may use include:

  • Advising policy decisions
  • Interpreting/analyzing, and anticipating public opinion
  • Fundraising
  • Financial evaluations
  • Community or government relations
  • Setting objectives
  • Recruiting
  • Implementing public policy
  • Speech writing
  • Market research
  • Networking

Most PR services are considered strategic partners when it comes to helping clients talk to their audience. They are responsible for listening to their clients’ needs while also providing innovation.

Why do I need a PR Service?

Typically you should start looking into a PR service if you want help protecting, enhancing, or building your reputation through media.

One of the primary reasons people turn to PR is to protect themselves from negative media mentions. PR agencies specialize in mitigating the damage from bad media coverage and know how to formulate an appropriate response.

What to Look For

A good PR service finds the positive messages that you receive and turns them into positive stories and media mentions.

When looking for a PR service, some traits you should prioritise are their social dynamic, networks, speciality, track record, and transparency.

Social Dynamic

The relationship between a PR agency and their client is a vital aspect of a successful transaction.

Because PR is a socially-driven field, a lot of decisions are based on the client’s agenda. Having an active relationship with your PR agent is essential to inform them about what you want to promote and where you would like to appear.

So many PR relations fail because of an unbalanced social dynamic between agent and client.


Your success is largely influenced by your agent’s connections. If your goal is to be featured on the cover of Vogue, you should not hire an agency that only has access to your local Sunday news.


This one may be a bit obvious, but you don’t want to work with an agency that specializes in technology media when you want to become London’s next hot chef.

Finding a PR agency that specialises in your line of work should be a priority.

Track Record

Everyone claims to be the best. But of course, only the best, is the best.

An easy way to gauge whether or not a specific agency has a good track record is by finding out who they have worked with in the past and looking at work samples.

You could even find media mentions that you find inspiring and wish to draw from and track down the PR agency that was responsible for the post.


Similar to an agency’s social dynamic, you should prioritise an agent that is willing to be completely transparent with you about their actions and decisions.

Working with a PR agent is a team effort, so if one side is making decisions without the other’s consent, things will take a turn for the worst pretty quickly.

PR Services in London

London is chock-full of PR agencies. Browsing through descriptions, feedback, and awards takes time and energy. Thankfully, you can usually narrow down your search by filtering for specific locations, specialities, and size.

Another helpful way to find a PR service is by asking coworkers for recommendations or researching the competition. This may help you develop a web of agencies that have similar success rates.

One PR service in London to check out is Pearl Lemon Leads. They specialise in helping entrepreneurs, startups, and regional/national businesses. If you are looking to increase media presence, Pearl Lemon Leads is a flexible source that can help you leverage your audience relationships.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]