Strata Manager

How to Find My Strata Manager in Brisbane?

Strata management is more complicated than it seems. It is more than the occasional administrative work, filing papers, paying off bills, etc. It requires keeping up with changes in legislation and policy.

A strata manager mediates the varying and sometimes competing interests of the scheme members as well. It’s essential to have excellent interpersonal and mediating skills to be able to do this effectively.

You can self-manage your strata scheme; there is no law to stop you, especially if the units are fewer than five. However, remember that proper management is the best way to live at peace with your neighbors and safeguard your property. 

A poorly managed strata scheme is a den of strife for its community members. It may also cost you fines for failing to meet regulatory requirements and missed bills.

Worst of all is that mismanagement devalues the property within the scheme. More people are opting to buy into owner corporations. But they are savvy and sharp-eyed. They will investigate the scheme’s financial health, the state of its shared facilities, how well the records are kept, and how harmoniously the community lives.

Therefore it’s crucial to choose a suitable strata manager as outlined below.

Choosing the Right Strata Manager Brisbane

When picking a strata manager, look out for the following

  • Skills 

A good strata manager must have administrative, social, and financial skills. They must be able to keep records and manage meetings. They must have legal skills sufficient to discharge their duties.

Strata managers must be adept at financial and insurance management. Also, pick a candidate with superb mediation skills to solve those inevitable conflicts.

  • Licenses and Accreditation

A strata manager must be licensed to operate. But you must confirm that he is indeed licensed. Otherwise, he may be incapacitated to act for you in some instances.

The relevant bodies must also accredit your strata manager Brisbane in Queensland.

  • Experience

There is a lot of practical knowledge about various aspects of strata management that can only be learned from experience. The more experience your strata manager is, the better they will manage your owner corporation.

An experienced manager will anticipate many of the pitfalls of communal leaving and advise you appropriately. They can also bring with them tried and tested strategies to make your strata scheme prosper.

  • Portfolio

The surest way to gauge a strata manager’s ability is to refer to projects they have managed recently.

Ask to see projects they have handled before and decide if you would like your strata scheme to become.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]