Sale signs in shop window, include silhouette of shoppers

How to Get More Customers for Your Retail Store

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the market shifted even more towards online shopping and away from in-person retail shopping. To get your customers back, you’ll need to try some new flashy tricks to get their attention.

But there’s a problem. If you try different gimmicks without understanding why they work, you risk wasting time and money on unreliable strategies. So what can you do to counter this?

Well, wonder no longer! It’s time to take a look at our guide on how to get more customers into your store!

But enough preamble, right? Let’s jump right into the thick of it!

Meet In The Middle

One of the best ways to increase foot traffic in your store is to meet the heightened buzz around online shopping in the middle. Implement a program where customers can buy products online and then pick them up in-store. You’ll pull in customers who don’t want to deal with increased shipping costs or the wait time to get a certain item.

What’s more, once they’re in the store, they are more likely to get sucked in and spend time browsing (or even purchasing) your wares.  You can further give this system a boost by showing a list of the physical inventory you have in-store on your website. This way, you appeal to impatient customers who don’t want to risk going out and finding you don’t have the item they want, souring their impression of your store.

Figuring Out How to Get More Customers Requires Strong Aesthetics

If you want to draw people to your store, you need to make your store stand out visually from your competition. Try to emphasize design choices that work with the tone of your store (family-friendly stores should use bright, warm colors rather than more muted ones). Creating a window display that showcases the best stuff you’ve got will also help pull people in.

Even small features help add that personal, appealing touch. Put a sandwich board sign outside to greet customers with a fun new message every day. You can even visit sites like to find a welcome mat for your store that expresses the warmth and fun your store brings!

Customer Service Matters

One factor that still separates online sales from in-store sales is the presence of in-person customer service to aid buyers while they shop. Use this difference to your advantage and keep the customer service in your store top-notch. This way, customers will remember how pleasant it was to shop in your store and will return in large part to experience that kind of service again.

To get started on this, offer bonuses for customers who fill out feedback surveys so you can see where your customer service needs work. Starting loyalty programs (which reward customers for returning and continuing to shop at your store) also help out here.

Watch The Sales Roll In

So, now that you have our guide on how to get more customers into your store, you’re ready to kick back and watch the traffic in your store increase like crazy! And if you need more tips on helping your store shine and stand out from the crowd, make sure to check out the other articles on our blog!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]