
How to Get Sober and Stay Sober: The Ultimate Guide

Did you know that substance misuse has increased during the pandemic? If you want to learn how to stay sober, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over tips on how to get sober and stay sober.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Change Your Routine

The way you lived before will need to change. You might need to avoid particular scenes or old friends. Create a new routine, so you don’t get triggered.

Try a new hobby. Look at making new friends with other people journeying through recovery. Aim to fill your schedule with activities or gatherings that are encouraging.

One of the difficult parts of recovery is embracing a new lifestyle. It’ll take you time and patience to build a new life.

Try to Exercise

Exercising throughout the week and weekend can impact your mental and physical health. You will reduce stress and sleep better when you exercise regularly.

People feel a lot happier and notice their mood stabilizes. During exercise, your body releases natural endorphins.

Consider joining your local gym. You could try out some of the fitness classes and meet new people. Having structured classes throughout the week will help you stick to your routine.

There are other ways you can exercise if you don’t want to go to a gym. Consider meeting with a friend to go for a walk a few times a week.

Some people will join a sports team or take a dance or tai chi class.
Try an activity that will be fun and energizing.

What Are Your Triggers?

Before people became addicted to a substance, they used substances as a crutch. Over time, the habit turned into an addiction.

If something reminds you of the past, you might feel triggered. During recovery, you will begin to identify specific triggers. Knowing what can trigger you will help you stay sober.

You can avoid specific environments or people. If going to a bar with colleagues after work is a trigger, cut those hangout times.

Maintain your mental health. Emotional stress can also become a trigger for people. Learn how to manage the triggers in a healthy way. You can work with a therapist to learn new coping mechanisms.

Deal With Legal or Financial Problems

Sometimes, people with addiction face financial or legal problems. Patients will need to go into recovery first to protect their health.

Yet, most addictions are expensive. People end up stealing, getting convicted, and have costly legal fees.

During recovery, make sure you don’t push off these issues. If you avoid them, you will end up getting more and more stressed.

Stress can lead to a higher chance of relapsing. Get legal counsel and negotiate your debt.

Get help from a financial coach. Some coaches will provide free services through the rehab facility. Ask your program leader if there are any options available.

What Are Your Warning Signs?

Some people feel relapse occurs at random. Yet, there are a few different stages of relapse.

Many people don’t recognize it until the final stage when they use a drug or take a drink. If you can identify warning signs, you will be able to avoid a full relapse.

There are emotional and mental relapses. Identify these stages by noticing when you begin to think in a less rational manner. Are you starting to engage with self-destructive or defeating behaviors?

Make sure you seek support from your mentor or a therapist.

Build a Supportive Network

Re-building relationships are essential to staying sober. Having a healthy circle of friends and family will help you stay in the right mindset.

People who struggled with addiction will need to repair relations with loved ones. This can take time and isn’t instant. Take time to improve these relationships.

Meet With a Support Group

To stay sober and realize you aren’t alone, you will need to seek outside support. Consider looking into group therapy or a peer-led group. If you are still struggling, connect with an online group.

Recovering addicts do well when they have a community. Talking about your concerns or fears will help you stay on track.

Face Past Problems or Mistakes

Regret, shame, or guilt tend to accompany someone’s recovery process. Don’t let past problems or mistakes hold you back from moving forward.

Make sure you acknowledge the mistakes you made in the past. Apologize to family or friends you may have hurt.

You might realize not everyone will forgive you. Yet, you will need to let this go and make peace with it.

Check Out Therapy

In a session, you will chat with a mental health professional about your journey. During this time, talk about all the struggles you face and ask how you can overcome them.

Therapy helps you identify different triggers. You will also learn ways to cope with challenging situations. A lot of people prefer personal counseling compared to group therapy.

If you want more support during recovery, consider other long-term recovery options. You could also look into a sober living center. Live in a structured setting where you receive lots of support on your journey.

Now You Know How to Get Sober and Stay Sober

We hope this guide on staying sober was helpful. Now that you know how to get sober and stay sober, use these tips.

Identify your triggers, fill your schedule with healthy activities, and make new friends.

Want some more helpful tips? Check out our resources on

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]