How To Keep Your Website’s Comments Section Healthy

Comments can be a great way to engage with your website’s visitors and get feedback about your business. Comments also provide an opportunity for people who are not yet customers to see what you have to offer.

But the comments on your site must be constructive because negative comments can affect how others perceive you or even discourage them from visiting at all.

In this blog post, we’ll show you some ways that you can keep your website’s comments section healthy and encourage more positive discussion among users.

To learn more about commenting, visit

Make sure your website has a clear comment policy

The first step in keeping the comments section on your site healthy is to make sure you have a published, easy-to-find comment policy that tells visitors what they can and cannot say when commenting.

This will help them understand how their input fits into the overall conversation happening within or around your business — whether it’s positive or negative.

Additionally, if you decide later to block certain types of users from leaving comments (e.g., spammers), having this information available upfront makes for an easier transition down the line.

Many websites list their policies right below each post title in full view of all readers before they begin reading any article content.

Keep comment sections organized and tidy by deleting spam or irrelevant comments

No one wants to read a rambling, incoherent mess of text when they visit your website’s comment section.

It can be difficult to ensure that all feedback you receive is constructive because it can sometimes get cluttered with spam messages or run-on sentences.

If there are too many unrelated entries in the discussion, try marking them as “spam” so Google knows not to rank them highly on search engine results pages (SERPs).

You may also want to have moderators delete other off-topic posts that don’t add value to the conversation.

Be mindful of the tone of voice you use when responding to commenters — do not attack, insult, or criticize them

The next step in keeping your website’s comments section healthy is being mindful of how you respond to people who comment on posts. Remember that everyone has a different opinion and it can be hard for some users to see things from another person’s point of view — especially if they have been criticized with an overly harsh tone!.

If someone says something negative about what you’ve written, but their phrasing makes it clear that they’re trying to start a discussion, try asking questions like, “How would you improve this?” or “What would make this better?”

You may find that you’re able to turn an unfriendly comment into a productive conversation that benefits both the commenter and your business.

Respond to negative comments with kindness and understanding

Respond to negative comments with kindness and understanding; try to empathize with their feelings and address their concerns without attacking them. If someone leaves a comment that’s critical of your brand or business, it can be challenging to see the situation in a positive light because you might feel personally attacked by what they’ve written.

However, take some time before responding so you don’t say anything that could make things worse for everyone involved.

Try asking yourself questions like, “Would I want this person as my customer if they’re not happy right now?” or “What do I need from myself (or other users) to fix the problem?” These simple prompts may help you respond more positively when replying.

Engage in conversations that are happening in the comments section so that people feel like they’re being heard

When someone takes the time to post a comment on your website, you should respond in a timely manner.

If nothing else, simply typing “Thanks!” or leaving an emoji is sure to make anyone who took part in the discussion feel appreciated and doesn’t overlook or silenced if moderation is heavy.

While this may seem obvious, many business owners overlook such opportunities — especially if their responses take too long (or never come at all). The trick here is knowing when engaging can benefit everyone involved.

Avoid using words such as “you” when addressing commenters because it can come across as accusatory and aggressive

Avoid using words such as “you” when addressing commenters because it can come across as accusatory and aggressive. Another important thing to keep in mind is your tone of voice, which includes the specific language you use when responding to people who comment on posts.

Even if something seems like common sense for you, that doesn’t mean everyone else will be on the same page — especially new users or those with less experience.


It would be best if you didn’t ignore commenters. Good or bad, it’s important to acknowledge every user who takes the time to leave a remark because it helps them feel heard and keeps conversations going so everyone involved can benefit from what they have to say.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]