Weight Loss

Is Bariatric surgery helpful for long-term weight loss? What are the risks?

According to the research conducted in 2021, the percentage of the Indian population suffering from obesity is around 40.3% with the odds of being obese higher in women, and people from the urban population. With the prevalence of obesity in our country, the number of people who take weight-loss surgeries has also increased. This is evident with the forecast published by the bariatric surgery market expecting a compounded annual growth of 9.56% from 2019 to 2028. This is modern and termed to be the safest weight loss surgery, but cannot be done on any obese person. In fact, a patient will have to take various tests, lab check-ups and pass on certain criteria to make themselves eligible for this surgery. Read more to know what this surgery is all about, its effects, and the risks involved.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

The collective term for all weight loss and metabolic surgery is known as bariatric surgery, wherein the surgery tries to modify the stomach and intestine to treat obesity and other lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, etc. There are various procedures involved in different bariatric surgery, but it ultimately makes our stomach smaller and also bypasses a portion of our intestine that will reduce the hunger levels, automatically decreasing the food intake and keeping us full. However, this is not a natural process and might have both benefits and side effects. Let us see everything in detail.

Who Can Opt For Bariatric Surgery?

After seeing only the bright side of bariatric surgery, do not immediately go for bariatric surgery. Certified doctors will not allow everyone to undergo these types of weight loss surgeries directly. You will have to control your weight with proper exercise and nutrition suggested by any professional fitness coach at the first point. If you are still not getting any results, then you can consult a doctor for these surgeries. Doctors might allow people with BMI (Body Mass Index) above 40 and especially, those who have serious weight-related diseases like diabetes, cardiac problems, etc. Depending on your BMI, health, and various other factors, your doctor will decide the type of bariatric surgery to be done to achieve the results. For example, people who have a BMI above 30 and are not able to lose weight in spite of strict diet and regular workout will be suggested to do an Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty whereas other people with a BMI between 30 to 40 can be eligible for an Intragastric Balloon if they are willing to shift to a healthy lifestyle and have never undergone any esophageal surgery before.

Thus, try to control your weight with the help of workouts, diet plans, and healthy lifestyle changes. Only if you are not able to lose weight and are on the verge of lifestyle diseases, consult with a trusted doctor for bariatric surgery.

What Happens Post Bariatric Surgery?

After any type of bariatric surgery, it is obvious to reduce your weight but the percentage of reduction depends upon the current BMI, surgery undergone, and the lifestyle changes you would make after that surgery. For example, in an intragastric balloon surgery, one can expect an average of 10-15 percent weight loss in half a year whereas a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal stitch will result in about 70-80 percent weight loss within the first two years. With the advancement of technology, bariatric surgery is nowadays performed with minor incisions making you stay in the hospital for a maximum of 4 to 5 days only. Initially, the patient will not be allowed to eat anything for two days. Then, you will be introduced to liquid diets, and soft diets specially designed for you according to your body.

Risks Involved in A Bariatric Surgery:

The risks involved in bariatric surgery are lesser when compared to the risk involved in living with obesity and weight-related diseases only when natural procedures do not work for you. But still, some of the rarest side effects one might face due to a bariatric surgery would be:

Immediately Post Surgery – Infection, Allergy due to anesthesia, excessive bleeding, abdomen pain, blood clots, vomiting, etc.

Long-term effects – There are possibilities for bowel obstruction, hernias, loose and sagging skin, dumping syndrome due to excessive vomiting, diarrhea, gallstones, ulcers, etc.

Also, when you do not follow the instructions given by your doctor or a professional fitness coach, the lost weight with the help of surgery may be regained. So, even after the surgery, it is highly important to stick to good lifestyle changes like taking proper rest, indulging in physical activities, and following a good diet.

The Bottom Line:

Surgery cannot be a one-stop solution for all your weight loss and lifestyle habits. It is advisable to hire a fitness coach, get a personal plan for yourself, and sticking to the plan right from the initial stage will help you avoid all these difficulties. Once you have a good lifestyle, you will not be required to undergo any such surgeries. Thus, it is time to shift to a good lifestyle and lead a healthy life.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]