Key questions you should ask your surgeon before getting a Brazilian butt lift

If you are concerned before surgery, make sure you ask your plastic surgeon questions so you can feel relaxed and ready for the procedure. Let’s see some of the most common questions that patients ask their doctor!

Most common questions to ask about getting a Brazilian butt lift

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

Arguably the most important and common question before considering or getting a Brazilian butt lift is – what is this procedure? What makes this procedure different from other cosmetic enhancement procedures? A Brazilian butt lift is taking fat from other areas of your body that you don’t want (ex: stomach, back of the legs, lower back, etc) and transferring it to your butt. By doing this, the user can have a fuller butt while looking slimmer in other areas.

How long do the results of a Brazilian butt lift last?

If you are sold on the procedure, you might be wondering how long this procedure will last. After all, you might want to avoid having a surgery that may only last a few months or a  few years! If you adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and you follow a good exercise routine, you can reap the benefits of your Brazilian butt lift for a very long time. Keep in mind that if you gain weight or lose an extreme amount of weight, this can alter the effects of your surgery.

Also, you need to learn more details about surgeons before getting a Brazilian butt lift. That will give you more information and peace of mind when finding the right plastic surgeon for you.

How much fat do you need to transfer?

You might be wondering how much fat they will transfer to your rear end of a Brazilian butt lift – especially for people who are slimmer than other candidates. If you do not think that you have enough fat to be collected for the transfer, don’t worry – your plastic surgeon may tell you that gaining weight in some areas is good to do before surgery so they can harvest the fat easier.

What are the steps of a Brazilian butt lift?

There are a few steps of a Brazilian butt lift that you should be aware of so you can be prepared while walking into the procedure. The first step is having the fat cells in other places in your body collected, with the most common collection areas being your lower stomach, lower back, upper thighs, and back of the arms. The next step is using centrifugation to purify the fat cells before they are injected into the butt.

What is the recovery time of a Brazilian butt lift?

If you’re sold on this surgery, you want to make sure that you are not out of action for a long time afterwards. Without hindering the fast recovery after getting a butt lift, your surgeon will mostly recommend you to use a BBL pillow to help you protect and will give time to settle during the healing process.

When can I see the results?

After getting a Brazilian butt lift, you want to see your hard-earned money pay off! The good news for patients is that you can see the results of your butt lift almost immediately! Even though the results will only get higher as you go along, there will be some immediate lifting and fullness that was not there before.


Before getting a Brazilian butt lift, you need to ask some questions so you can feel prepared and confident before getting a surgery that will enhance your cosmetic appearance!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]