Manufacturing Tijuana Mexico

Manufacturing Tijuana Mexico: Things to Know

Approximately 80,000 new inhabitants move to Tijuana each year as a result of the city’s manufacturing industry. Tijuana is the major beneficiary of this boom, since production in China is decreasing owing to rising salaries and shipping expenses, while manufacturing in Mexico is expanding with reduced labor prices. See more Mexican manufacturing companies at TACNA.

Tijuana’s industrial real estate is plentiful and adaptable, making it one of Baja California’s most developed towns. Tijuana’s manufacturing infrastructure is also among the best in the country. For mass transit from maquiladoras into the United States, highways have been developed and there is plenty of room.

Mexico’s Labor Force

          Mexico’s large and diverse labor pool continues to increase in size and complexity across most manufacturing areas. Combined with China’s pay and transportation inflation, Mexico’s vast labor pool and closeness to the United States are driving the country’s greatest industrial development for twenty years. A highly trained and educated workforce is now available in Mexico, allowing it to compete in all of the country’s key sectors.

Mexico’s Major Manufacturing Sectors

          Vehicles, aviation, and aerospace are the most significant sectors in Mexico. Medical devices as well as clothing and textiles are other important businesses in Mexico.

Medical Device Manufacturing Industry

Included in this industry’s factors for growth are:

  • A well-educated and well-trained workforce
  • Collaborations between academia, government, and the commercial sector increase gadget production and efficiency.
  • As compared to other global destinations like China, proximity to the United States offers numerous cost-effective advantages.

Mexico Automotive Industry

During the last decade, the automobile sector in Mexico has done a significant role in the economy, bringing some of the world’s leading assemblers, such as Chrysler Fiat, and Ford. Mexico is also South America’s largest automaker, producing close to 4,000,000 vehicles annually. Around 82 percent of these units are shipped.

Apparel & Textile Manufacturing Industry

Fashion/apparel/textile production, which is Mexico’s fourth-biggest manufacturing industry, represents 3.7 percent of Mexico’s manufacturing GDP.

  • It has been stated that textile producers in the United States have updated their facilities and are seeking to expand into automotive and industrial textiles.
  • In Puebla, Mexico, improved textile factories produce vehicle filters, airbags, seat coverings, doors, and cables for Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, and BMW, among others.

Consumer Product Manufacturing

It’s no secret that many consumer items are now made in Mexico. Mexico is becoming more and more popular as a cost-effective alternative for businesses as production costs grow in China. This encompasses electronics manufacturing as well as other fields.

Mexico is no longer relegated to basic assembly and low-tech production. Many international companies are now setting up shops in the country. Mexico’s industries currently cover a wide range of industries. There are more than 100 medical device firms in Tijuana, Mexico, and Mexico is currently the world’s fourth-largest automaker.

Why Manufacture in Tijuana, Mexico?

          Workers in Tijuana range from unskilled workers employed to highly qualified experts. Because Tijuana has a high proportion of English-speaking people, contact with international management and tourists is easier than in other Baja California towns. Also, Tijuana’s labor unions are referred to as “white unions” and are typically favorable to employers.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]