No uterus, No opinion: How to protect women’s reproductive rights

It has been a happening time for women in America, after the Roe Vs. Wade got overturned. No matter in which camp you fall under, pro-life, or pro-choice, one thing everyone should agree on: women’s reproductive rights should be protected in all spheres, whether they be on the microlevel, or the macrolevel.

Across the globe, barring few exceptions, men have been involved in the process of regulating women’s bodies. Setting aside the greater debate of gender equality and rights, one has to consider how men can understand the fundamental issues facing women, when they cannot even empathize with the unique experiences of, and challenges facing women.

Hence, it is important that we all do our part in protecting the reproductive rights of women. Males, even well-intentioned, are simply clueless as to what having a uterus entails; whether it be the experiences pertaining to periods or pregnancy, only women can understand what’s at stake.

Even if they consult experts like gynecologist in Itefaq Hospital, they still won’t be able to fully understand what it means to wade the waters with a uterus.

Therefore, it is imperative that we all do our part in protecting the reproductive rights of women. Some ways we can help include:

Access to birth control 

Not everyone is ready to become a parent. Not every woman’s body is ready to have a child. To prevent an unwanted pregnancy, it is vital that people have access to birth control.

Admittedly, no birth control is 100% fool-proof, but they reduce the odds greatly. Hence, women should be made aware of, and given access to birth control, ideally at a subsidized rate so that their price is not a deterrent to their use.

Moreover, women also should consult a doctor before starting hormonal contraceptive pills and discuss their merits and demerits with them.

Raising awareness

Many women are unaware of the ways that the state and even their families dictate their reproductive health. For example, some men insist on unprotected sex, which puts women not only at the risk of STIs, but also pregnancy, the cost of which is entirely is paid by the her.

Therefore, women should be made aware of fundamentals pertaining to the gynecological help; when they should visit a doctor, types of birth control, reducing their risk of cancer by getting regular exams etc.

Sex education

For some very odd reason, sex education has become sensationalized. There are conservative groups who consider sex education is spawn of the devil. However, such archaic approaches in this digital age are not going to work.

Children and teenagers will find information, naturally. Their curiosity heightens when something becomes off-limits to them. They then seek alternative and often, inaccurate ways to attaining the information. This lack of authentic and proper knowledge can also lead to very many disasters.

Instead of hiding the fundamentals of human body like a sin, it is better they children be given sex education. It is a lesson in basic biology. There is nothing remotely romantic about sex ed., and it may very well deter teenagers from partaking in unsafe sex.

Enable better access to a gynecologist

Not all the women have access to a gynecologist, a doctor who has specialized in the issues pertaining to the reproductive health of women.

The lack of accessibility means that women have no one to turn to when it comes to matters of their reproductive wellbeing. This can jeopardize their physical and mental health, and not the mention the grave impact that it can potentially have on their children.

Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t need a gynecologist just when having a baby, you also need to get annual screening checks, visit a gynecologist in Fatima Memorial Hospital for period problems, get advice on birth control etc. Hence, it is vital that systems be put into place that enable women’s access to their doctor.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]