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Save Your Time & Money by Avoiding 8 Android App Development Mistakes

With 85% of the market share and more than 3.04 million applications in the Google Play Store, Android is the most demanding mobile OS for app development across the world.

As compared to iOS app development, Android app development is way more preferred to have mobile apps in Asian countries. However, the demand for Android app development services started to grow in the USA as well.

Small scale businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs on a tight budget and with a desire to target a large audience base globally are opting for Android application development. And, they are looking for the leading Android app development company or experienced Android app developers in the USA, who can help them build an error-free android app.

Since it has been found that besides being updated to the latest Android 11 or upcoming Android 12 version. The majority of bugs were introduced due to logic errors, even as an advanced Android app developer.

In this blog, we are going to shed some light on prominent mistakes Android developers make and how can these mistakes be avoided successfully without failing?

Android App Development: Most Common Mistakes

Building Android Application for Too Many Android Devices
With custom Android app development, this is really an issue with the app developers to create an app that could easily be accessible on different android devices available. Since there’s no surety that the incorporated web content here will appear perfect on every device.
But utilizing a few below-mentioned android specific programming strategies, developers can easily resolve the issue.
Prefer to use DP Pixels (Density Independent Pixels) instead of Normal PX Pixels.

Try to include Resources multiple times instead of different densities and orientations.

Use 9-patch drawables that are easy to create and fit different screen sizes.

Not Using Already Available Android Resources

It’s been so long since Android emerged in the mobile industry. In this time span, a large number of Android apps have been developed and a lot of code has been written.
There are components and features which remain highly similar in almost all the apps likewise social login, database access, network calls, image loading, and JSON parsing.
Therefore, it is wise to utilize the code that is already written, tried and tested repeatedly with success. Besides developing your own code for the list of things mentioned above.

Neglecting Use of Fragments:

Fragments play a vital role in optimizing your web content to fit different screen sizes. In addition to this, there are certain benefits of using fragments like they can be controlled through parent activity. They are highly flexible and can be reused repeatedly, integrated with other operations, and repositioned easily.
To help you understand easily, fragments are simply individual building blocks with their own life cycle and can be operated through an activity. Due to these reasons, android app programmers should use fragments consistently while developing android apps.

Developing your Android App With iOS Design Standard

There was a myth among the clients that Apple sets all the design standards and this fact pushes top android app developers to create an iOS app clone. But now, the time has changed and Android has improved to an all-new next level.

If as an Android app developer, you are still following iOS app design standards for developing an Android app then it’s truly a bad strategy and try to avoid making such mistakes again in your next reliable Android app development company.

Not Considering Intents:

Intents are one of the key components for application development on android as they deal with information sharing to different parts of an application. Sometimes developers forget to use intents that affect app processing badly.
Therefore, developers should always include intents in the Android app they are going to develop.
For instance: you can use SMS intent using specific commands. As it helps in performing a variety of functions and lets your device operate smoothly while performing a variety of tasks such as.
• Taking Pictures

• Sharing Content

• Picking Contacts

• Adding Events

• Recording Video

• Opening Links with Native Apps

Blocking the Main Thread

In terms of interface responsiveness, the main thread is the key player. And a responsive user interface leads to better engagement. Therefore, if android app developers want to deliver a successful mobile app they should avoid blocking the main thread. In addition to this, they can utilize worker and background threads for operations like

• SD reading/writing

• Network Calls

• Processing Images

• Loading Bitmaps

• Querying a Database

Underestimating the Power of Bitmaps

A good looking and well-formatted content is an integral part of a successful mobile app. And an image that describes a thousand words per image is the best example of the content users love the most. But the images consume a lot of memory.
Since when an image displays on the screen. initially, it loads into the memory. Thanks to bitmaps, this task of image loading into the memory is done so efficiently.
Therefore, it is vital to manage memory and disk caching strategically. To do so, Android app developers can use the Glide library that fetches, decode and display bitmaps into your app.
In addition to this, there are several other strategies available that support app programmers to deal with the complexity of bitmaps and other images on the Android platform.

• Measure the display that demonstrates your images

• Make adjustments to large images (Scale/crop)

• ·Show what can be presented

Improper Judgement of Client’s Requirements to Assume Success

Developing something that is going to be popular and highly successful, needs a mindset that lets you assume its success. And developers can achieve it only when they understand the users’ requirements and their fulfilment from the developing Android app. Then, they need to focus on app development following different phases involved.
Also, It is vital to check out after completion of each phase that the application in the pipeline is capable of serving users’ requirements or needs improvements.
App success, the final outcome, clients can determine with the leading Android app development agency that has a full-fledged Android app developers team capable of delivering bespoke quality products within the given timeline.
Also, businesses can take advantage of the valuable Android app development services the concerned company is providing at optimum pricing.

Wrapping Up:

Besides being free, easy to use, and a customizable platform, Android app developers tend to make the above-mentioned mistakes while app development. Hope the provided solutions will help not only Android app programmers but also the businesses looking for Android application development. In order to check out or consult these mistakes from developers before getting delivery of a finished product.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]