Dental Blunders

The 4 Types of Dentures and Your Denture Alternatives

An average of 90% of the edentulous population in the US wears dentures. Tooth loss affects about 175 million Americans due to tooth decay or gum disease. A large number of these people get dentures to get their healthy smiles back and prevent nutritional changes.

If you fall in this category, then you know that you need to change your dentures on occasion. However, what if there were denture alternatives you could use instead? In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of dentures and the denture alternatives you could opt for instead.

Different Types of Dentures

There are several types of dentures. They go from temporary to permanent dentures, and you can choose whatever suits your situation best. Let’s take an in-depth look at each different type.

1. Traditional Complete Dentures

The first option is the traditional complete dentures, which can be full dentures or removable dentures. These are removable prosthetic teeth that replace the entire set of teeth in the mouth. They are used when a person has no teeth remaining in their upper or lower jaw.

They consist of two pairs, which are the denture base and the artificial teeth. Usually, the artificial teeth are made of either porcelain or plastic, and the former tends to be a lot more expensive.

The denture base is made of acrylic resins, and even though it looks like natural gum tissue, it doesn’t restore its function. When you opt for complete dentures, it’s vital to have checkups at least once a year. They need replacement about every five years to prevent improper fitting.

2. Removable Partial Dentures

Removable partial dentures fix cases of a few missing teeth. When a person has a few natural teeth remaining, it’s better to have removable partial dentures. They consist of a gum-colored base and several false teeth that feature clasps that hold them in place.

3. Temporary Dentures

Also known as immediate dentures, temporary dentures are meant for patients with no teeth. You can opt for these immediately after a tooth extraction procedure and use them until your natural teeth grow in. Sometimes, patients wear these a few weeks before placing permanent dentures as they provide a seamless transition for patients with sensitive teeth.

4. Overdentures

Also known as implant-supported dentures, overdentures are held in place by dental implants. A dentist can place them either in the upper or lower jaw and sometimes both. Most of the time, overdentures are held in place with about four implants.

These types of dental implants are natural-looking, removable, very stable. They also happen to be an overall better option for your health and more comfortable compared to traditional dentures. To get overdentures, you have to go through an invasive process that can also be quite expensive.

On the upside, overdentures can last up to 10 years with proper care. There are several types of overdentures, with the first being the bar-retained implant dentures that are removable. The second option is the implant-retained dentures that feature gum support, and the third option is the fixed implant-supported dentures that are not removable.

What’s the Best Alternative to Dentures

If dentures don’t sound like something you would like, let’s explore some denture alternatives that you may consider. With this information, you can easily make an informed decision about the best way to enhance your smile.

Dental Implants

The most common and arguably of the most effective denture alternatives are dental implants. These are titanium fixtures surgically inserted into the jaw bone. They act as a replacement for teeth and are a much more durable and long-term option compared to dentures.

There are several significant reasons why you bold up for dental implants instead of dentures. The first reason is not the functionality or appearance, but the fact that they don’t address bone loss. When you lose one or a few of your teeth, your jawbone starts to recede and could also deteriorate.

After a few years of wearing dentures, you’re likely to get sunken facial features that’ll make you look much older than you are. It’s easier to prevent this with dental implants because they’ll also replace the roots of your missing teeth. They will be anchored securely with the bone, which will stimulate it and keep it healthy.

Unlike dentures, however, dental implants are non-removable. They’re also ideally comfortable and more functional. If you need dental implants, you must have a sufficient amount of supportive bone and healthy gums for support.

How long do dental implants last to make them better alternatives to dentures? When well taken care of, dental implants can last over ten years before they need to be replaced.

Dental Bridges

If you’re only missing one tooth, a dental bridge may be a more preferable option for you. This is a prosthetic tooth that will be held in place by either dental implants or crowns on both sides.

On the upside, you don’t have to worry about your tooth slipping while you talk like you would with dentures. On the downside, a healthy tooth structure may have to be removed to fit the crowns.

Denture Alternatives: Exploring All Your Options

These are all the different types of dentures and denture alternatives you need to know. Regardless of whether you just need a short-term solution or a long-term option, there’s something that will work well for you. That said, it’s increasingly vital that you weigh all the pros and cons of each option to gauge which one will work best for you.

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About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]