
The Best Investments to Improve Your Radiology Practice in 2021

Wondering how to improve your radiology practice in 2021?

As a business owner, you surely know it’s important to set aside money to invest in your work each year. The problem is, with such rapidly growing technology and near-constant innovation, it can be hard to keep up.

Knowing where to invest your money can as challenging as saving the money up to invest with. But with a little planning and logical thinking, you can make sure those dollars are spent well.

Here are some of the best current investments that will boost your practice for years to come.

Invest In AI

Artificial intelligence is here to stay. You likely know how big it’s become in the world of radiology practice but may not have made the leap just yet.

It can be overwhelming. The tools available now—deep learning and machine learning, just to name a few—are helping radiologists to detect cancer, segment organs, and generate crucial reports that help you give better patient advice.

The best radiology practice investments in this particular area will likely start small. After all, the technology is very expensive and takes a while to learn how to use. Small bites can help you get going, though.

In some cases, you might be able to get a discounted or free experience with AI in your practice. Some companies today look to pilot their artificial intelligence in established practices, which could be a good way to get your foot in the door without breaking the bank.

Information Systems

Making good investments in healthcare usually means making life simpler. You can do that by bringing the right radiology information system into your practice.

Being able to manage workflow, schedule clients and other events, and allow people to register appointments by themselves online are just some of the things you could gain access to.

Information systems also help you get ahead of the ever-evolving world of HIPAA regulations and online health record transmission. They are secured with encryption, and other security features that ensure you won’t get in trouble and that patient medical files stay safe.

The right radiology information systems vendors will walk you through what you need for your practice. And like incorporating AI, it will actually wind up paying you back down the road.

Analytics Tools

What gets measured in healthcare gets managed. Analytics tools are “set it and forget it” applications and software that track how your day goes. The best way to upgrade your practice in 2021 and beyond is to look at the data and make informed choices for your business.

There are so many different analytics tools, many of which aren’t even healthcare specific. One area you might start with is your website’s analytics.

By tracking your performance online, you can see how your clients are using your website and what may need to be fixed to bring more people in your community to your practice.

Patient Care

Ultimately, patients make your practice the best it can be. Any investment in making their experience better is good for both saving time and increasing your bottom line. You want people to walk away having an amazing experience.

Understanding how to upgrade your patient’s care in a radiology practice can be done in several different ways. You could track data, offer surveys, or simply speak to the people who know you the best.

Offer low-cost incentives for their time and honest feedback. Then budget accordingly to upgrade those areas of your practice.

Clinical Upgrades

Are your radiology devices out of date or in need of upgrades? As expensive as this can be, you always need to consider when the right time to upgrade your equipment is.

Waiting too long could wind up costing you money—and doing it too soon might cause you to spend unnecessary money.

Take a look around your office and outside, too. Look at the parking lot, waiting room, and staff amenities. Then write out a list of things that really do need to be fixed now. (You can make a mental note of what needs fixing later.)

One way to figure out if it’s time to upgrade is to reach out to other local vendors and practices. See what they’re using and if they’ve recently upgraded. Glean valuable information from them to determine what your next moves will be.

Continued Education

As busy radiology professionals, it can be all too easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind. But it’s important as a healthcare professional to keep investing in yourself, too.

Have you signed up for a radiology seminar or course lately? Or do you go to the same one year after year?

Maybe now is as good a time as ever (especially with the world starting to open back up post-COVID) to change things up or go on a trip.

The American College of Radiology has a comprehensive calendar you can reference for upcoming events. Again, you can lean on other local professionals in your community or network to help you figure out where to go.

Upgrading Your Radiology Practice In 2021

Upgrading your radiology practice in 2021 comes down to a few simple things. You can really divide your time and energy into a few separate buckets.

Investing in the equipment you use each day (and considering artificial intelligence and the role it might play in the future) is one. The others are investing in yourself and your practice as a whole.

Make sure you and your staff are taken care of and that patients are getting a great experience when they come into your office.

For more health and technology tips, click around our blog!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]