UX Design Mistakes

Top 5 UX Design Mistakes

If you notice that users are losing interest in your website or app. then it’s time to look at your UX design. UX design is responsible for providing the user with a specific experience that will increase the level of satisfaction from using the website or software product. The goal of UX design is to improve customer interaction scenarios through unparalleled design. This includes the design, usability, and operability of the application or website as a whole. The UX designer must consider the user’s navigation and make the work user-centric to guide them through the site or app and make them interact with the intended touchpoints.

How to reduce the probability of design errors? Regularly practice and learn from industry experts: follow the development and activities of a design agency and specialists in the field.

A lot of specialists don’t think about users and instead focus on their own sense of beauty. Here are the top 5 UX mistakes that many designers make that dissatisfy users.

Mistake #1. Illiterate text

Spelling and grammar mistakes, and poorly chosen words and phrases can not only confuse the user but also make them laugh. When the user is constantly confronted with such inaccuracies, he/she ceases to regard the authors of the product as professionals.

Mistake #2: Poor onboarding or no onboarding

Onboarding refers to the process of immersing the user in the app. In other words, it’s a step-by-step training of a new user. So many developers simply turn a blind eye to this and leave the user one-on-one with the software once it’s installed – use it!

The most important user experience is the experience of using the application for the first time.

In the vast majority of cases, it is within this experience that the user decides whether or not they will use the app. It’s important to lay everything out for them at the outset – literally take them by the hand and walk them through all the places in the app.

Onboarding is a system where the sequence of screens to be shown to the user the first time they use the app is thought through, with relevant interface hints.

Mistake #3: Ambiguous interpretations of the term

In one interface, Enter means to enter, while in another it means to enter data. Don’t confuse the user, choose one term and stick to it consistently. For example, decide that Enter always means data entry, and do not deviate from this.

Also, don’t invent new terms unnecessarily, rather pick up an existing term from similar products. Otherwise, users won’t appreciate your creativity, and the tech support team will get sick of that.

How to avoid misuse of the terms:

  • Don’t invent terms unnecessarily;
  • Don’t use synonyms;
  • Don’t use ambiguous terms;
  • Don’t use terms that are too similar;
  • Test the terminology on the users.

Mistake #4: Too much “design”

Get creative and creative – but not the solution. Something unique, your own style and handwriting is undoubtedly a good thing. But often, designers behave like bad actors – and overdramatize. A bunch of objects, color schemes, shadows, and incompatible styles that turn an ordinary icon or button into something surreal. “Good design is immediately visible, great design is invisible.”

Mistake #5: Untitled icons

Icons are very rarely used as a standalone element because otherwise, users would have difficulty interpreting their meanings. Users do not as well know even those icons that most UX experts think are universal. And if your application uses unique icons, the likelihood that users will pick up on their correct interpretation tends to zero.


When working on UX design, user experience should be paramount. An excellent UX design is one way that small companies can make customers turn away from bigger, better-known ones. One final tip – you should prioritize usability over style. While attractive apps and websites are still important, we live in a minimalist world where consumers put usability before aesthetics.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]