
What companies use metaverses for and why the big tech companies are so interested

In recent weeks we have seen a bombardment of news about the so-called “metaverse,” and Mark Zuckerberg’s pursuit of this digital universe has made it gain even more popularity. His interest is such that he has announced that he plans to turn Facebook from a social network into a metaverse company in just five years. But he is not the only one, like Nvidia, Sony, and Microsoft are other major technology companies that are betting on this new universe.

According to a report by Bloomberg Intelligence, this digital environment has such excellent economic prospects that it is expected to reach 800 billion by the middle of this decade, and by 2030 that figure is expected to multiply to 2.5 trillion. Looking at these numbers, it is clear why the big technology companies see the metaverse as the future of the Internet.

We explain this concept in more depth and how companies will use the metaverse to improve their business. Pay attention!

Definition : What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is defined as the convergence of physical, augmented, and virtual reality in a shared online space.

This environment allows humans to interact socially and economically as avatars in a cyberspace, which acts as a kind of metaphor for the real world, breaking down its physical or economic barriers. This is why many see the metaverse as the future of the Internet.

Characteristics of the metaverses :

Since it is a virtual world, the characteristics of metaverses can be extensive, but the following are the most important ones:

Interactivity: users must be able to communicate and interact with other users and metaverses.

Interoperability: avatars and goods must be able to be created and used in any of the metaverses accessed.

Corporeality: although it is a virtual world, it must not be forgotten that it is subject to the laws of physics and has limited resources.

Full-fledged economy: in line with interoperability, the goods can be used in any environment, regardless of who manages them.

Examples of metaverses :

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has become the standard-bearer of this virtual universe and is already working on his own metaverse and a name change for his social network, but he is not the only one. Many companies have already started a series of initiatives to promote this technology, such as Microsoft’s HoloLens, PlayStation’s VR helmets, Facebook’s own Oculus, Epic Games’ video games, Alibaba’s Ali Metaverse, a new video game studio based on Tencet’s metaverse, and even the owner of TikTok has already declared his interest in this technology.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]