Paas platform as a service is a platform or cloud computing model where a third-party provider delivers hardware and software tools to aid application development to users on the internet. It is almost like renting a car where the customer does not pay for customization, invest time or money. Instead, you are the one driving it and paying for the fuel. Paas platform as a service is used by developers where a platform, tools, programming languages, and run-time are provided. By channeling these different sources, one can create and deploy a triumphant application. The user interface is made accessible to the creator. The vendors offer overarching means for the person to run the application.

It is agile and modern. The companies can make dynamic, customized solutions with the cooperation of high-level tools. Paas is more efficient and evades the need to code everything from the ground up. It has prebuilt blocks that the developers can use to play better applications more quickly. It is more scalable of the cloud-implying a lesser need for self=provisioning attained at economical prices. The process is eased for customers by avoiding the complex operations associated with developing and launching a new application.


1) SAP cloud

The sap is a ginormous company with its offerings extending to multiple service models. Cloud PaaS is one such offering with an open business platform. It was created to aid developers in building applications more smoothly by providing depth and breadth of service. It also proffers the likelihood of assimilating cloud and on-premise applications and maintains several supporting services. This can be credited to SAP’s colossal partner ecosystem, contributing to over 1,300 applications constructed on the same platform.

2) Microsoft Azure

It is a deployment and development environment harnessing the Paas concept. Azure can facilitate the complete web app development cycle from building to deploying and so on. Additionally, it succors to an extensive range of tools, languages, and frameworks. The developers employing it can access over a hundred correlated devices and a cloud computing service from Microsoft. It is comprehensive and houses all three Cloud models, namely- SaaS, PaaS, and LaaS.

3) Heroku

Heroku is an example of a PaaS contingent on the managed container concept and belongs to Salesforce. It is exceedingly independent and assimilates data services along with a unique ecosystem. It is revered owing to its app-centricity and has gained significant momentum as less of an enterprise solution. Alternatively, it has achieved clientage among hobbyists and production development crowds. Heroku is quite ergonomic and offers a more dextrous experience.

4) AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a part of the Amazon cloud. It is intended to work as a part of the whole. In substance, it is intended to benefit the streamlined management of AWS resources. It implies that the users can run code without the need to provide for resources or server management. Lambda’s essence does credit to any development- the context is multi-code capable since those are provisioned for. Customers have eulogized them for their serverless structure and the capacity to maneuver micro-service architecture.

5) Google app engine

Google extends App Engine as a part of the Google Cloud ecosystem. It is aforesaid to make it exceedingly scalable and a serverless PaaS that is employed for rapid development. Google can actualize it with their capable servers of coping with pretty much any proportion of queries. However, developers have raised issues regarding their services in the past. Including lack of support on some language ambiances, dearth of development tools, incapability to plug-and-play applications, and lock into Google as the vendor.

6) Dokku

Dokku exists on a smaller scale in comparison with more prominent players like AWS. They accredit themselves as the “smallest PaaS implementation you’ve ever seen.” It lacks depth but compensates for it by being open source and entirely free. It is based on container technology from Docker and allows people to deploy any infrastructure. This factor gives them a leg up because there is a lowered chance of the vendor lock-in, allowing the customer to steer the business model in the desired direction.

7) Apprenda Cloud Platform

They consider themselves more towards the enterprise-scale of the cloud application building and development industry. Their platform is contingent on Kubernetes and benefits from open source technologies. One of its salient points is its capacity to aid users in moving legacy dot net applications to a PaaS environment. However, Apprenda users have raised complaints regarding its capabilities. They fear that it is not well-optimized in the competence of memory usage.


The above examples of PaaS are the most relevant ones helping one understand the concept a little more in detail.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]