Software Developers Online

Where to Hire Software Developers Online?

If you have been searching the web for places to hire software developers online for the past few months and are overwhelmed by which resource (, Fiverr, Upwork, etc.) to use, this is the article for you!

We get it, COVID-19 hit us bad and maybe your business needs its online presence to do better or maybe you were already working in the IT sector and you got more requests and are looking to increase your team, but don’t know how and where to hire good developers in this pandemic.

To make it a further hassle, how can one make sure the talent one hires is perfect for the job and has the skills to do it?

Remote meetings make things a bit impersonal and make it harder for you to judge another person’s skills. One can get really overwhelmed by the information out there and that just brings us back to square one.

If the above description fits you, then read ahead because we have the solution for it! Just follow these steps and you can easily hire developers for whatever needs you may have.

Figure out why you want to hire software developers

First thing is first: why do you need a software developer? You have to really ask yourself this question and sit down with a partner or a friend to lay out your needs and requirements.

Think deeply about what is the business need that you are trying to fill and what is the end goal? Maybe it’s a better user experience on your website and you want a developer to add chat bots or maybe it’s revamping your database configuration and usage because you’re expanding your business and have other verticals that you are focusing on.

What technology and skill would be used?

Once you’ve laid out the problem you’re trying to solve, you can focus on how to solve it. Do some research on what technologies might be used to do this kind of work? It’s always better to have detailed knowledge of what you want to hire someone to work on so you can guide them if need be and you can also double check their knowledge and make sure they know what they’re doing.

These technologies could be anything from Python development to Javascript or .NET depending on your need and task.

How long will the project take?

Now that you have your technologies mapped out and your problem defined, you can start thinking about what kind of engagement would this look like.

Although, this kind of knowledge can only be held by experts who have participated in such projects before but getting a rough idea through internet research never harms anyone.

How much would it cost?

Lastly, you would also want to research how much your project would cost you and how much benefit would it bring you in the future.

A simple cost-benefit analysis should be done to see if this project is even worth the effort you will be going through in terms of hiring developers. The next portion of this article deals with where to find such developers and what to look for.

Hire a remote team of developers if your project is complex and time consuming

Now that you have an idea of what you need the developers for, you can appreciate the different options you have online.

Some companies need very varied skills and they would much rather hire teams rather than a single developer because of the complexity, size, and nuance of the project. If you are such a company, you should hire a team of developers who have already worked together before who have experience in doing what you require.

An example could be a company that specializes in matching you with remote teams of developers which are half the price of developers in the US.

With the pandemic in place, you’ll probably have your employees work remotely for a while and if that is the case, why not hire someone across the world at half the price and all the experience you want?

Hire freelancers if your project is a sprint and fairly simple

For a project that isn’t very complex, you should look into freelancers. These will be individuals on the internet offering their software development services for a price. You can hire them for a specific project and for a limited amount of time.

You might actually get these services for a cheap price as you can post a project on some websites and have freelancers bid on it. Then, you can choose the freelancer of your choice and get in contact with them. For a service like this, you can try fiverr or Upwork.

Make sure you assess their skills before hiring

This goes for both, large teams and individual freelancers. In the case of large remote teams, you’ll most likely find use cases and client testimonials.

Testimonials from well-known other companies could be a good sign, but you also want to make sure that you know the team members working on your project. Always request interviews with them and give them assessments to complete.

Some companies, like, make sure they vet their developers before employing them. This is a great practice as it saves the hassle for the client to do so.

When it comes to freelancers, you might have to give them a few assignments yourself and in the case that you do not know what would be a good enough test, you should probably consider reaching out to a recruiting firm who can conduct that pre-screening for you.

Goodluck on your project!

As long as you follow these steps, your project and hiring should turn out fine no matter which service you end up choosing.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]