White Mark on Phone Screen: Causes, Solutions, and Prevention

In today’s digital age, smartphones have become an essential part of our lives. We rely on them for communication, entertainment, and productivity. However, it can be frustrating to discover a white mark on your phone screen, especially if it affects the device’s functionality or aesthetics. In this article, we will explore the causes behind these white marks, discuss potential solutions, and provide tips for preventing them in the future.

1. Dead Pixels:

One common cause of white marks on phone screens is dead pixels. Dead pixels are tiny spots on the screen that fail to display the correct color. When a pixel becomes permanently stuck on white, it creates a noticeable mark on the screen. Dead pixels can occur due to manufacturing defects, physical damage, or prolonged use.

If you suspect dead pixels are causing the white mark on your phone screen, there are a few methods you can try to fix the issue. One approach is to use a pixel-fixing app or video that rapidly changes colors on the screen. These apps aim to stimulate the pixels and encourage them to return to their normal functioning state. Another option is gently massaging the affected area of the screen with a soft cloth or applying slight pressure with your finger. However, it’s important to note that these methods may not always be successful, especially if the dead pixel is a result of physical damage.

2. Screen Burn-in:

Screen burn-in is another potential cause of white marks on phone screens. It occurs when certain elements, such as icons or images, are displayed on the screen for extended periods. Over time, these elements can leave a permanent mark or ghost image on the screen, even when they are no longer being displayed.

To prevent screen burn-in, it’s advisable to avoid keeping static images or icons on your screen for long periods. Additionally, adjusting your screen timeout settings to a shorter duration can help minimize the risk of burn-in. If you already have a white mark due to screen burn-in, there are limited options for fixing it. Some users have reported success with screen burn-in fixer apps that display rapidly changing colors or patterns to help reduce the visibility of the mark. However, these apps may not completely eliminate the issue.

3. Moisture Damage:

Moisture damage is another potential culprit behind white marks on phone screens. Exposure to water or excessive humidity can cause the liquid crystal display (LCD) to malfunction, resulting in white spots or streaks on the screen. Moisture damage can occur if a phone is dropped in water, exposed to high humidity environments, or even if it comes into contact with sweat.

If your phone has been exposed to moisture and you notice a white mark on the screen, it’s crucial to act quickly. The first step is to power off the device and remove any protective cases or covers. Next, gently wipe the screen with a soft cloth to remove any visible moisture. It’s important not to use excessive force or apply heat to dry the screen, as this can potentially cause further damage. Instead, allow the phone to air dry in a cool and dry environment for at least 24 hours before attempting to power it back on.

4. Physical Damage:

Physical damage is another possible cause of white marks on phone screens. Dropping your phone or subjecting it to impact can result in cracked glass or damaged LCD panels. These damages can manifest as white marks on the screen, affecting both its appearance and functionality.

If your phone has suffered physical damage, such as a cracked screen, it’s advisable to seek professional repair services. Depending on the severity of the damage, a technician may need to replace the screen or other internal components to resolve the issue. Attempting DIY repairs without proper knowledge and tools can potentially worsen the problem or void any warranty coverage.


Discovering a white mark on your phone screen can be frustrating, but understanding the potential causes and solutions can help alleviate the issue. Whether it’s dead pixels, screen burn-in, moisture damage, or physical damage, there are steps you can take to address the problem. Additionally, practicing preventive measures, such as avoiding prolonged exposure to static images and protecting your phone from moisture and physical impact, can help minimize the risk of white marks in the future. If all else fails, consulting a professional technician is always a viable option.

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