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Why do I need a common law ID card?

People in their day-to-day lives are mainly dependent on common law for discharging their work and functioning daily. Common law connects people by preserving and maintaining their dignity and life in the eyes of the law and society from any offence that might happen on a day-to-day basis in countries like the United Kingdom. These powers are quintessential and foundational in providing a remedy to people where any third party can destroy the inherent rights and freedom of the people.

What is the significance of the Common Law ID Card?

When we extend and expand the dominion of Common Law into all aspects of our life, we tend to challenge the arbitrary rule of any other party or even the government itself. It requires the people’s widespread acceptance and consistent practice for the Sheriffs and law officers to enforce them.

To uphold the rights and dignity of all men and women, the Common Law Court has created an international database where by virtue of submitting your declaration of birth, you can confirm your existence.

This card acts as confirmation evidence of your registration of birth with the Common Law court. Furthermore, it also provides you with the ownership of your legal fiction, i.e., it would be the sole existing record for you that the state would have linked to you. It signifies that you would be subjected to their rules and regulations. It provides you with the option of remaining under the statutory system and its rules and norms or under the jurisdiction and authority of the Common law. So you have to do everything by keeping the rules and norms in your mind.

How do you apply for a Common Law ID Card?

To apply for a Common Law ID Card, you must have registered your birth with the Court and acquired legal fiction ownership. You can get your CLC Card by filling out the application after you’ve documented all of the relevant information such as your Common law Name (that you wish to use), your bank card name (or fictitious name), birth certificate reference number, fictitious name reference number. You would also have to specify the card for the common law country you would require (e.g., the United Kingdom). You would have to fill out other procedures and information required to get your common-law ID Card. You can apply for the card from anywhere across the world, and the cost of the card is dependent on the area of your residence.

The procedure is a bit tricky but if you followed all the steps correctly, it would not take much time.


You can now acquire your own Common Law ID Card from the Common Law Court. There is no charging of fees for the purpose of information recording for the common law ID card. The Common Law ID Cards are available internationally as well as in the United Kingdom. These cards would have a passport photo and a flag that specify your birth country and all other information you would enter with the Common Law Court.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]