Chrome Extensions You Should Add to Your Browser

10 Chrome Extensions You Should Add to Your Browser

As time passes, we spend more and more of our time on computers. From working in the office to working at home to researching, playing, reading, browsing, creating content, starting a side hustle, and much more, the internet is essential.

But the beauty of the internet today is how much you can customize it to your own liking. When you use the Google Chrome browser, you get access to thousands of Chrome extensions that allow you to create a custom, unique web browsing experience.

By visiting the Chrome extension store, you can install the tools you need to make your life easier and more enjoyable, depending on the types of tasks you perform most often.

Are you new to Google Chrome? Wondering what Google Chrome extensions you should add to your browser today? Keep reading to discover 10 awesome options.

  1. Lastpass

One of the first Chrome extensions you need to download is Lastpass. This app will become your one-stop password manager for the entire internet.

With it, you can create an account using one, super-secure master password. For every website where you need to create an account, you can then create unique, difficult passwords and save them in Lastpass.

Each time you visit one of these websites, Lastpass will prompt you by automatically filling in your login information. It increases your browsing security, keeping all of your passwords safe, and makes it easy to log in to any website.

  1. OneTab

Do you find yourself having 20 browser tabs open at all times? Most of us have this problem.

But you don’t want to close them, right? You’re going to get to each one eventually. That’s where OneTab comes in.

Instead of leaving all of these tabs open, to slow your computer down, you can click the OneTab button. It will condense all of your open tabs into a list of URLs for you to revisit later and open each page when needed.

  1. Momentum

The Momentum extension is a simple tool that will keep you inspired and help you stay productive each day. Once installed, Momentum will kick in each time you open a new browser tab.

It will display a beautiful, high-quality image with a unique, inspirational quote at the bottom. In the middle, Momentum will greet you by name and allow you to type your most important goal for the day. It will keep you accountable by keeping your goal front and center, encouraging you to get it done before doing anything else.

  1. Awesome Screenshot

Awesome Screenshot allows you to take better screenshots on the web. You can capture the entire page, from top to bottom, or just capture a section of the page.

It also allows you to record your screen, which is useful for giving other people instructions on how to complete a task online. But it’s not really meant to capture video. You can click here to find the best chrome extensions for video download.

  1. Grammarly

Even if you have top-notch grammar skills, there are always going to be words that stump you each time. Instead of letting grammar errors escape you, the Grammarly extension will identify grammar and spelling errors everywhere on the web.

So whether you are typing an email, creating a document, or filling out an online form, you’ll always know if your sentences are perfect or not.

  1. Custom Cursor

Want to make your web browsing experience more fun? You can use the Custom Cursor extension to change your cursor from a boring arrow to virtually anything you want.

You can choose between different animals, movie characters, foods, and even Drake cursors, making your web browsing experience unique to your personality.

  1. Zoom

Do you ever struggle to read content online, with many websites using tiny font sizes? Or do you find yourself constantly trying to zoom into images to see details?

With the Zoom Chrome extension, zooming in and out of your screen using nothing but your mouse becomes much easier. This lightweight, but super helpful plugin will help relieve eye strain and keep you productive for longer periods of time.

  1. Honey

Do you shop online? Of course, you do. Ecommerce continues to grow while physical, in-person shopping declines, meaning everyone shops online.

If you love getting a good deal and saving money then the Honey Chrome extension is for you. Honey will automatically find coupons and deals on the shops you frequent, making it easy to save money without even trying.

  1. Bitmoji

Want to make your emails more fun? When you install the Bitmoji Chrome extension, you can add fun, friendly Bitmojis to any email, or anywhere that you type online. It’s easy to select, insert, and resize them as needed.

  1. Todoist

When you work from a computer, productivity is everything. The Todoist extension will keep you on track, helping you complete your goals thanks to the effective to-do list software.

You can use it to list out work tasks, helping you to always know what do to next. You can create notes and add website links, blog posts to read later, and capture ideas to revisit later on.

With the extension, you can easily plan your day. Browse your master list of to-do items and create a short, sweet plan for the day. You can also add deadlines and recurring due dates to tasks so that nothing slips through the cracks. The extension integrates seamlessly with many of the other apps you already use, like Slack, Evernote, Google Drive, and Zapier.

It’s extremely satisfying to use this app and cross things off your to-do list. Download the extension today so you can turbocharge your productivity.

Countless Chrome Extensions to Try

There’s no limit to the number of Chrome extensions you can find, install, and try out for yourself. With so many options that make working more productive, shopping more affordable, and creating content more fun, Chrome extensions are a computer user’s best friend.

So go ahead, download a few and give them a try today. If they don’t improve your browser experience, just remove them and try something else.

Looking for more tips like this? Check out the rest of our blog today to keep reading.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]