custom packages

10 Tips to Create Custom Packaging for Your Wholesale Business

You’ve got a great product, you’ve made the connections, and you have a wholesale business in full swing. But now, you need wholesale custom packaging boxes that set your brand apart from the competition — custom boxes that will showcase your goods in an eye-catching way — and help you win more sales. Here are ten tips for creating custom packaging for your wholesale business.

  1. Get Inspired

You can’t go wrong starting your custom packaging design with a simple web search for ideas, inspiration, and samples. Of course, the more you look around, the better — but don’t underestimate the power of getting inspired by looking at plain old paper boxes as well as beautifully designed custom boxes. Knowing what’s out there (and how far you can push your designs) is invaluable information when it comes to creating that perfect piece of packaging. Maybe you’ll even come across some affordable options!

  1. Be Unique

Once you’ve looked around and gotten inspired, start thinking about how your brand and product could set itself apart from all those others out there? How will people know yours is different, special, and oh-so-awesome?

Being unique will help you gain customers’ interest in your products, and they will prefer your brand over others because of quality packaging.

  1. Keep A Consistent Look

Choosing the right packaging for your products is important if you want to be successful in making an impact on your customers. Of course, you have to consider that the type of product you have is essential, how it’s made and what size it will be, among other things. All these factors are crucial when trying to create the right packaging.

It’s also important to keep your products well-organized, neat, and clean by using custom wholesale boxes. For example, if there are three cups in the order, don’t just put them all in one big box— instead, separate the orders with small boxes. The more organized you seem, the better it looks! Finally, before sending out your products to retailers or customers, make sure they are packaged properly.

  1. Packaging Methods

So, what kind of product do you have? Are they tiny little thingies? Or maybe they’re big and bulky? Or even worse… You don’t know what type of product you have because it’s an oddball. No matter which category you fit into, here are some examples of packaging methods.

  1. Cold Fill Packaging-

If you’re worried about your products moving around because customers are constantly picking them up and playing with them, or if they break easily, then cold fill is the way to go! There isn’t any matter in the box, so it won’t break if customers throw it around.

  1. Fragile Product Packaging

Customers tend to throw things all over the place, so fragile product packaging might be necessary for your product. This type of packaging is filled with airbags that protect delicate objects from breaking.

  1. Bundle Packaging

Bundle packaging is when boxes are stacked on top of each other. You can wrap the product in plastic or bubble wrap. It is necessary when you are shipping small products that can break easily, such as sunglasses.

  1. Display Style Packaging

If your wholesale company offers products that can be displayed, then display-style packaging is for you. This type of box wrapping leaves room on all sides so customers can have a 360-degree view of your product! This style of packaging is perfect for items like jewelry and clothing.

  1. Pull-Apart Packaging

It’s almost impossible when it comes time to take apart this kind of box because there are no seams or perforated lines! All you have to do is pull apart the two pieces.

  1. Don’t Forget the Essentials

Before you start putting all your creative energy into designing the box, stop to take a look at what it’s actually for. Remember that packaging needs to protect the product, so don’t create anything too flimsy or fragile.

It should also be reusable and easy to open but closed securely enough, so nothing spills out during transport. Finally, think about how your packaging will affect shipping costs (and time) if you’re selling online. For example, would something flat like an envelope be cheaper than sending in a big bulky box?

  1. Get Inspired by Other Brands’ Looks

If you haven’t created custom packaging before, it could be good to get inspired first by looking at some existing boxes on different websites. Then, if you have your logo, find some boxes that are similar in shape, so it’s clear where the brand is visible all around.

  1. Make Sure Your Packaging Suits the Products Inside

It might sound obvious, but think about how well all the items inside fit into each other when they’re packed together in a box. For example, if you’re selling bath bombs, pack them loosely so that they don’t damage each other during shipping or storage. If it comes with any instructions, write them on the outside of the box to save time reading through everything when unpacking at home.

  1. Add a Personal Touch

If it’s possible, try and add your logo to the packaging yourself: it shows customers that you’ve made an effort to make them happy as well as adding that little extra touch of uniqueness. You can use specialized DIY printing services or at-home tools like stencils to transfer your logo onto any box you want.

  1. Don’t Forget the Bubble Wrap

It might not be as pretty as the rest of your packaging, but don’t leave out bubble wrap altogether! It prevents fragile items from being crushed inside their boxes and other products from moving around during transport or storage. For a more professional-looking result without designing bubble wrap yourself, search for custom pre-made options online.

  1. Give Them the Extra Mile

If there’s one thing wholesale customers love, it’s feeling like they’re getting the deal of a lifetime. Instead of packing your products by yourself, hire helpers or have them sent directly from the manufacturer. This makes it easier for you to fix up other parts of your business. It also makes a good first impression on new buyers who are used to paying full price for products.

If you are a business that sells products, you might want to use custom packaging. This is so people will know your product. It’s important not to spend too much money on it right away. You can print personalized boxes for your stuff. Or you can buy pre-made ones. There are many options online and in stores.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]