Greenhouse Gases

10 Wonderful Ways to Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Climate change is the most serious threat facing our planet. Our mission at Cotocon –(a New York Local Law 97 Expert)  is to help you reduce your carbon footprint, reduce greenhouse gases and fight climate change by giving you the information, tools, and inspiration you need to make small changes that matter.

Don’t drive.

  • Don’t drive.

Reducing your driving is the most effective way to reduce greenhouse gases. When you don’t drive, you not only save money on gas and repair costs but also reduce greenhouse gases from car exhaust. You may need to adjust your lifestyle in order to reduce driving, such as walking or biking more often and using public transportation whenever possible. If you still need a car for work or other reasons, consider getting one that has much lower CO2 emissions than the average car (hybrid cars are one option). Another option is to use a car-sharing service like Zipcar or Car2go when you do have a need for your own vehicle; these programs help keep cars off the road by charging an hourly rate rather than owning an entire vehicle yourself.

Another tactic is choosing rideshare over solo driving if possible — this can be as simple as asking friends if they’re going in your direction before leaving home! Other options include organizing groups of people who want to go somewhere but don’t have their own vehicles (such as working from home), taking public transit when possible (and avoiding airport shuttles), telecommuting at least one day per week — any combination will significantly decrease carbon emissions!

Use less electricity to reduce green house gases.

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room.
  • Turn off appliances when not in use.
  • Use a power strip to turn off multiple things at once.
  • Use a programmable thermostat that’s set to turn down the heat when no one is home and back on before you get home from work or school so the house is warm when you get there. If necessary, adjust the temperature settings so that they’re more conservative than they may need to be—for example, if someone will be sleeping in your room at night, set it lower than usual so they don’t wake up cold! It might feel chilly at first but after an hour or two under those covers with your teddy bear, who knows what’ll happen? 😀 (kidding)

Plant a tree.

Trees are one of the best ways to reduce greenhouse gases. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, and they also reduce urban heat island effects. A tree’s roots help stabilize soil and prevent erosion, which is an important factor in climate change prevention.

In addition to these benefits, trees provide shade and can help cool cities during hot spells by reducing temperatures by up to 5 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius).

Eat less meat.

By eating less meat, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. Meat production requires a lot of land and water, two resources that are in short supply. It also contributes to greenhouse gases through the methane from cows’ burps and farts. Eating less meat—or going vegetarian or vegan—is an easy way to reduce your impact on the planet!

Take a stand against deforestation.

The problem: Deforestation is the destruction of a forested area, often to produce timber or short-term agricultural production. It’s one of the leading contributors to climate change because it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and can trigger natural disasters like landslides, flooding, and erosion. The effects of deforestation are felt by people in many different countries around the world.

The solution: There are several ways you can help reduce greenhouse gases caused by deforestation:

  • Become an advocate for the environment. Talk about what you’re doing with your friends and family members so they know how important this issue is to you. If possible, volunteer at local organizations that promote sustainability efforts like planting trees or restoring wetlands. You could also start your own campaign!
  • Buy carbon offsets if you travel regularly by plane or car; these will help balance out some of your negative environmental impact on other parts of the world where forests have been cleared away due to increased demand for wood products (such as paper).

Reduce waste.

Reduce waste.

  • Reduce your food waste by shopping in smaller quantities, planning meals and buying according to what you need instead of what’s on sale.
  • Buy fewer products, or less of each product (you can do this by buying in bulk).
  • Reuse things like plastic bags and containers as long as they are still functional. And reusable; recycling uses a lot of energy and resources too, so try to avoid that if possible!
  • Compost organic waste at home by turning it into compost for your garden or lawn; don’t throw it out because then it will end up in landfills where greenhouse gases develop instead!
  • Buy items with minimal packaging so you don’t have excess stuff sitting around your house. Wasting space–and space is limited on Earth, after all!

Watch your water usage

  • Watch your water usage
  • Don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth or shave.
  • Turn off the tap when you wash your hands, face, and hair.

Use a broom, not a hose.

Using a broom, instead of a hose, to sweep your driveway, sidewalks and other hard surfaces is an easy way to reduce greenhouse gases. Using a hose for any outdoor cleaning is wasteful and unnecessary.

You can also use this method for cleaning decks and patios.


Recycling is one of the easiest ways you can reduce your carbon footprint and save money. Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. Which means less greenhouse gases are produced by garbage trucks, trash compactors and landfills. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil and 7 cubic yards of landfill space. Recycling also saves energy and materials needed to make new products out of raw materials like glass, paper or plastic bottles!

Your local recycling facility might even pay you for all those empty soda bottles. In your garage—check with them before throwing them away! And besides helping save our planet from climate change and pollution, recycling can help save you money too! By reusing old items instead buying new ones all the time—and by thinking about how much stuff we buy overall—we can put less strain on our wallets as well as our environment

Fix leaky faucets and pipes…and buy low flow equipment

  • Fix leaky faucets and pipes. Leaky shower heads, toilets and washing machines can waste hundreds of gallons of water per month.
  • Buy low flow equipment. Low-flow showerheads, toilets and washing machines use about half as much water as the older models.
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your sidewalk or driveway (or at least use it less). A typical garden hose left running full blast for just one minute will waste 20 gallons of water—enough to fill an ample-sized bathtub! You can save even more by shutting off the valve inside your house. When you’re not using it outside; that way no one else will be able to turn on the spigot accidentally while you’re gone!
  • Reduce watering times with drip irrigation systems such as soaker hoses (which are buried near plants). Or spray nozzles connected directly onto each plant’s root system using PVC piping (which runs underground along with any other pipes necessary). This method is also very effective in allowing plants this kind of direct access into their roots. Through small holes drilled into them at strategic positions around their surface area edges which then allows them greater absorption capacity over time even though this might make them look less attractive than if they were simply left untouched. Where they originally stood before being watered properly like everyone else does.”


Reducing your carbon footprint is the first step toward a more sustainable future for all of us. We’ve listed 10 simple ways that you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions at home and in the office—and we hope it inspires you to take action! This Article is written by

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]